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Bryn Skole, Oslo
Monomodal StopPlace
with two Quays
Bryn skole (i at Ole Deviks vei) modelleres som en is modeled as a monomodal stop place (stoppested for én transporttype) med to quays, og fungerer som eksempel på et stoppested som kun betjenes av buss. Stoppested som kun betjenes av én type transportmiddel, som for eksempel trikk, T-bane, tog eller båt, skal modelleres på tilsvarende måte.
Stoppestedet for Bryn Skole har ingen fasiliteter utover et skilt som viser at det er busstopp, med informasjonstavle som viser bussruten og tidtabell.
Hele XML eksempelfilen ligger på prosjektets GitHub-repository under stopplace for one transport type) with two quays, and serves as an example of a stopplace that is only operated by bus. Stopplaces that are only operated by one type of transport, such as tram, metro, train or boat, must be modeled in a similar manner.
The stopplace for Bryn Skole has no facilities beyond a sign showing that there is a bus stop, with information board showing the busroute and timetable.
The entire XML example file is located on the projects's GitHub-repository at
The following is a more detailed description of the most important elements that must be included in the data transfer to the stopplaceregister:
Alle XML-filer etter norsk All XML files according to the Norwegian NeTEx-profil skal være av type PublicationDelivery som inneholder relevante e should be of type PublicationDelivery containing relevant Frames. (Se GitHub for komplett eksempelSee GitHub for complete example.)
Describes validity criteria for the data set, in the example validity from a given date (without end date).
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<validityConditions> <AvailabilityCondition version="any" id="NSR:AvailabilityCondition:1"> <FromDate>2017-03-08T12:12:00.0Z</FromDate> </AvailabilityCondition> </validityConditions> |
Hver operatør, samt andre autoriteter, har sitt eget Each operator, as well as other authorities, has its own "namespace" - Xmlns - (jfcf. Administrasjonskode) som unikt definerer innsender av datasettetAdministration Code) which uniquely defines the submitter of the dataset.
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Vil bli administrert av holdeplassregisteretWill be managed by the stopplaceregister |
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<codespaces> <Codespace id="NRS"> <Xmlns>NSR</Xmlns> <XmlnsUrl></XmlnsUrl> </Codespace> </codespaces> |
Site Frame
Denne blokken inneholder informasjonen som er relevant for å beskrive "fysiske" objekter, herunder This block contains the information relevant to describing "physical" objects, including StopPlace, Quay og and Facilities / Equipment som finnes på dissefound on them.
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<SiteFrame version="any" id="NSR:SiteFrame:1"> <!-- ===Stoppesteder=== --> <!-- Detaljene for StopPlace og Quay vises lenger ned i eksempelet --> <stopPlaces> <StopPlace> [...] <quays> <Quay>[...]</Quay> </quays> </StopPlace> </stopPlaces> <siteFacilitySets> <SiteFacilitySet id="NSR:SiteFacilitySet:timetablePoster" version="any"> <PassengerInformationEquipmentList>timetablePoster</PassengerInformationEquipmentList> </SiteFacilitySet> <SiteFacilitySet id="NSR:SiteFacilitySet:lineNetworkPlan" version="any"> <PassengerInformationEquipmentList>lineNetworkPlan</PassengerInformationEquipmentList> </SiteFacilitySet> <SiteFacilitySet id="NSR:SiteFacilitySet:fareInformation" version="any"> <PassengerInformationEquipmentList>fareInformation</PassengerInformationEquipmentList> </SiteFacilitySet> </siteFacilitySets> </SiteFrame> |
Stop Place
The stopplace is generally described by name, short name, location and should as a minimum have defined overall accessibility information to satisfy universal design requirements. (Note that for the more complicated stopplace, this should be modeled as NavigationPaths when relevant.)
Stoppestedet beskrives overordnet med navn, kortnavn, lokasjon og skal som minimum ha definert overordnet tilgjenelighetsinformasjon for å tilfredsstille krav om universell utforming. (Merk at for mer kompliserte stoppestedet bør dette modeleres som NavigationPaths når relevant.)Stoppestedet skal også definere transporttype og stoppestedstype
The stopplace must also define the type of transport and the stopplace type.
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<!-- Merk: Holdeplass-ID vil komme fra Holdeplassregisteret --> <StopPlace version="any" id="NSR:StopPlace:12345678"> <Centroid> <Location srsName="WGS84" id="NSR:Location:1"> <Longitude>10.824609</Longitude> <Latitude>59.913915</Latitude> </Location> </Centroid> <AccessibilityAssessment version="any" id="NSR:AccessibilityAssessment:1"> <MobilityImpairedAccess>true</MobilityImpairedAccess> <limitations> <AccessibilityLimitation> <WheelchairAccess>true</WheelchairAccess> <StepFreeAccess>true</StepFreeAccess> </AccessibilityLimitation> </limitations> </AccessibilityAssessment> <placeEquipments> <GeneralSign id="NSR:GeneralSign:1" version="any"> <PrivateCode>512</PrivateCode> <SignContentType>transportMode</SignContentType> </GeneralSign> </placeEquipments> <TransportMode>bus</TransportMode> <StopPlaceType>onstreetBus</StopPlaceType> <quays> [...] </quays> </StopPlace> |
Det enkelte sted for av-/påstigning defineres som en Quay med tilknytningsbeskrivelse, f.eks. relevante nærliggende veier, retning og relevant info som skal presenteres til publikumThe individual stopplace for disembarking/ boarding is defined as a Quay with connection description, for example relevant nearby roads, direction and relevant info to be presented to the public.
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<Quay version="any" id="NSR:Quay:12345679"> <Centroid> <Location> <Longitude>59.9139819</Longitude> <Latitude>10.8247039</Latitude> </Location> </Centroid> <Lighting>poorlyLit</Lighting> <facilities> <SiteFacilitySetRef ref="NSR:SiteFacilitySet:timetablePoster"/> <SiteFacilitySetRef ref="NSR:SiteFacilitySet:fareInformation"/> </facilities> <PublicCode>Sør</PublicCode> <CompassBearing>200</CompassBearing> </Quay> |