Definition of days, daytypes, operational periods and other calendar items, as well as connections between them, are done in a Service Calendar. These definitions are further used in the (mainly) Timetable setup to specify when a Line is operated.
The entire XML sample file is located on the project's GitHub repository:
Below is a more detailed description of the most important elements of modeling a calendar object.
Note that this is only a simplified structure of NeTEx XML. According to the Norwegian profile, there must be several elements for the file to be valid for data transfer to the stopplaceregister.
See example for simple stopplace, bus for XML containing other necessary items to be valid according to the profile.
All XML files according to the Norwegian NeTEx profile should be of type PublicationDelivery containing relevant Frames. (See GitHub for complete example.)
Description of the dummy ServiceFrame and TimetableFrame in the example is only made to indicate a complete PublicationDelivery.
All calendar objects are defined in a ServiceCalendarFrame. It can be done in a ServiceCalendar object, but given that most components are often reused across timeplaner, it is recommended to define these directly in ServiceCalendarFrame.
Definition of type day by which weekdays the daytype applies. The type can be further clarified with additional features, e.g. holiday type, if applicable.
<dayTypes> <DayType version="any" id="RUT:DayType:weekdays"> <Name>Ukedager</Name> <properties> <PropertyOfDay> <DaysOfWeek>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday</DaysOfWeek> </PropertyOfDay> </properties> </DayType> [...] </dayTypes>
Timeband shows time indication.
specify period- If StartTime and EndTime are equal, this specifies a specific time. Eg. When specifying a specific time each hour (in Rhythmical Journey), this is indicated by a consistent hour "00".
<timebands> <Timeband version="any" id="RUT:Timeband:TM15"> <!--Name>15 minutes past the hour</Name--> <StartTime>00:15:00</StartTime> <EndTime>00:15:00</EndTime> </Timeband> </timebands>
Specification of an operating day, possibly also the start and length of an operating day. Can be linked to a daytype, e.g. 637370378.
<operatingDays> <OperatingDay version="any" id="RUT:OperatingDay:default:1"> <CalendarDate>2016-05-01</CalendarDate> <EarliestTime>10:10:00</EarliestTime> <DayLength>PT12H45M</DayLength> </OperatingDay> <OperatingDay version="any" id="RUT:od:default:2"> <CalendarDate>2016-07-07</CalendarDate> <EarliestTime>11:11:00</EarliestTime> <DayLength>PT9H10M</DayLength> </OperatingDay> </operatingDays>
Specification of an operating period, based on previously defined start and end days.
<operatingPeriods> <OperatingPeriod version="any" id="RUT:op:default"> <FromOperatingDayRef ref="RUT:OperatingDay:default:1"/> <ToOperatingDayRef ref="RUT:od:default:2"/> </OperatingPeriod> </operatingPeriods>
Attaching a daytype to a specific date or pre-defined OperatingDay / Period for a given calendar, ie a daytype will be valid within the time specified by the calendar object to which it is associated.
<dayTypeAssignments> [...] <DayTypeAssignment version="any" order="1" id="RUT:DayTypeAssignment:period"> <OperatingPeriodRef ref="RUT:OperatingPeriod:default"/> <DayTypeRef version="any" ref="RUT:DayType:weekdays"/> </DayTypeAssignment> </dayTypeAssignments>