Line 109, Oslo
For a description of route data according to the Norwegian NeTEx profile, one separate file should be sent per Line.
Line 109 is a morning bus between Helsfyr T and Holtet, partly as a supplement for metro, all weekdays with the following stops:
- Helsfyr T
- Brynseng T
- Høyenhall T
- Manglerud T
- Ryen T
- Holtet stasjon
The departure runs three times each morning, but at different times for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Line with one route is modeled accordingly as in example Simple route for bus with rhytmbased departure, but Timetable is modeled as explicit ServiceJourney for each departure.
The entire XML sample file is on the project's GitHub-repository under
- Because relevant data structures in this example have already been reviewed in Simple route - Bus (rhytmbased departures) (Copy) and Projection (Copy), only the ServiceJourney construction is described in detail in this document.
Service Frame
Passenger transport setup for a given day type is specified in this example as a set of ServiceJourney (under vehicleJourneys), which individually describes each trip. Although the pattern could have been defines as a rhytm-based departure, ref. Simple route - Bus (rhytmbased ) (Copy), it is due to few departures and different departure times on those different days easier to define each departure as a separate ServiceJourney.
The example below shows a departure that runs on both weekdays and Saurdays:
<ServiceJourney version="any" id="UNI:sj:109:CODE-0530"> <DepartureTime>05:30:00</DepartureTime> <dayTypes> <DayTypeRef ref="UNI:dt:weekday"/> <DayTypeRef ref="UNI:dt:saturday"/> </dayTypes> <JourneyPatternRef ref="UNI:JourneyPattern:109"/> <!-- Optional: --> <LineRef ref="UNI:line:109"/> <passingTimes> <TimetabledPassingTime> <!-- Helsfyr T --> <StopPointInJourneyPatternRef version="any" ref="UNI:StopPointInJourneyPattern:helfyr_t"/> <DepartureTime>05:30:00</DepartureTime> </TimetabledPassingTime> <TimetabledPassingTime> <!-- Brynseng T --> <StopPointInJourneyPatternRef version="any" ref="UNI:StopPointInJourneyPattern:brynseng_t"/> <DepartureTime>05:32:00</DepartureTime> </TimetabledPassingTime> <TimetabledPassingTime> <!-- Høyenhall T --> <StopPointInJourneyPatternRef version="any" ref="UNI:StopPointInJourneyPattern:hoyenhall_t"/> <DepartureTime>05:33:00</DepartureTime> </TimetabledPassingTime> <TimetabledPassingTime> <!-- Manglerud T --> <StopPointInJourneyPatternRef version="any" ref="UNI:StopPointInJourneyPattern:manglerud_t"/> <DepartureTime>05:34:00</DepartureTime> </TimetabledPassingTime> <TimetabledPassingTime> <!-- Ryen T --> <StopPointInJourneyPatternRef version="any" ref="UNI:StopPointInJourneyPattern:ryen_t"/> <DepartureTime>05:35:00</DepartureTime> </TimetabledPassingTime> <TimetabledPassingTime> <!-- Holtet --> <StopPointInJourneyPatternRef version="any" ref="UNI:StopPointInJourneyPattern:holtet"/> <ArrivalTime>05:40:00</ArrivalTime> </TimetabledPassingTime> </passingTimes> </ServiceJourney>