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Added paragraphs "Data correctness" and "Data completeness" with (further) examples on irrelevant data not to be published in production ET/SX/VM
Added preliminary SIRI v2.1 features
ArrivalBoardingActivity, ArrivalStopAssignment, DepartureBoardingActivity, DepartureStopAssignment, DepartureFormationAssignment, RecordedDepartureOccupancy and RecordedDepartureCapacities for RecordedCall
ArrivalFormationAssignment, ExpectedDepartureOccupancy and ExpectedDepartureCapacities for EstimatedCall
JourneyRelations for EstimatedVehicleJourney
Added optional element PublishedLineName in EstimatedVehicleJourney
Added optional element Occupancy in EstimatedCall
Added Occupancy enumerations "unknown", "manySeatsAvailable" and "notAcceptingPassengers" with usage guidance (per EstimatedVehicleJourney and per EstimatedCall)
Added ArrivalStatus / DepartureStatus "missed" for calls missing arrival/departure time
Made ActualArrivalTime / ActualDepartureTime non-mandatory for calls missing arrival/departure time
Added ExpectedArrivalTime / ExpectedDepartureTime for RecordedCall when ActualArrivalTime / ActualDepartureTime is missing
Clarify that a StopPointRef should be to the assigned Quay
Clarify that the data is related to the full operating day
Added Severity (of incident) enumerations "verySlight" and "verySevere" as allowed values
Affects must have minimum one object (unless Progress="closed")
Allowed for no Summary element (0: *) when the situation no longer affect public transport (Progress="closed")
Specify Priority as a number between 1 (highest priority) and 10 (lowest priority) for messages where urgency is relevant
Added DatedVehicleJourneyRef as optional AffectedVehicleJourney element
Added optional element DirectionRef
Aligning descriptions of ProgressBetweenStops, MonitoredCall and MonitoredCallStructure with the SIRI spec and usage consensus
Added Occupancy enumerations "unknown", "manySeatsAvailable" and "notAcceptingPassengers" with usage guidance
Added VehicleRef as required element for the MonitoredVehicleJourney