Current version for network is: v1.5 (last changed Jul 28, 2022)
- 1 Components
- 1.1 Network components
- 1.1.1 Network
- 1.1.2 GroupOfLines
- 1.1.3 Line
- Presentation
- 1.2 Service
- 1.2.1 TypeOfService
- 1.3 Route
- 1.3.1 Route
- 1.3.2 RoutePoint
- 1.3.3 ScheduledStopPoint
- 1.3.4 TimingPoint
- 1.3.5 PointOnRoute
- 1.3.6 RouteLink
- 1.3.7 ServiceLink
- 1.3.8 Connection
- SiteConnection
- SiteConnectionEndStructure
- 1.3.9 Stop Assignment
- StopAssignment
- PassengerStopAssignment
- FlexibleStopAssignment
- TrainStopAssignment
- 1.4 Journey Pattern
- 1.4.1 JourneyPattern
- StopPointInJourneyPattern
- BookingArrangementsStructure
- TimingPointInJourneyPattern
- LinkInJourneyPattern
- TimingLinkInJourneyPattern
- ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern
- 1.4.1 JourneyPattern
- 1.5 DestinationDisplay
- 1.5.1 DestinationDisplayVariant
- 1.5.2 Via
- 1.6 Flexible transport
- 1.6.1 FlexibleLine
- 1.6.2 FlexibleStopAssignment
- 1.7 Transfers
- 1.7.1 Transfer
- TransferDuration
- 1.7.1 Transfer
- 1.1 Network components
This document is part of the Norwegian NeTEx profile and describes data elements related to transport networks used for public transport data exchange in the NeTEx format.
Please note the network part of the profile describes structures, attributes, and geospatial objects, which make up the framework of the timetable data. It does not, however, describe time-related concepts, such as departure times, or operational days. All of these are described in timetable.
Network components
A transport network is an "umbrella" structure for all Lines which share relevant features, such as the ownership of the lines.
If necessary, these can be separated further as GroupOfLines (see below), a supplementary (optional) level of logical structuring within the overall Network of Lines.
See definition under General information
Defined in ServiceFrame
Examples in the GitHub-repository (including use of additionalNetworks)
Network < GroupOfLines < GroupOfEntities < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
Name | 1: 1 | Name of the network. | |
AuthorityRef | OrganisationRefStructure | 1: 1 | Organisation responsible (for example owner) for the network. |
groupsOfLines | 0: * | Lines (Line) included in the network. | |
tariffZones | tariffZoneRefs | 0: * | Tariff zones (TariffZone) in the network (when relevant). |
Additional (optional) grouping of lines for particular purposes such as e.g. fare harmonisation or public presentation.
See definition under General information
Defined in ServiceFrame
GroupOfLines < GroupOfEntities < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
Name | 1: 1 | Group name | |
members | lineRefs | 0: 1 | An explicit listing of lines included in the group (if appropriate) Note that reference should link from Line up to Network through a RepresentedByGroupRef |
MainLineRef | LineRefStructure | 0: 1 | Reference to the primary line in the group. |
TransportMode | AllVehicleModesOfTransportEnumeration | 0: 1 | The transport mode of the group. See Transport Modes for possible values |
Line < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
(attr) modification | xs:ModificationEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of modification (use "delete" when a Line is permanently discontinued) |
Name | 1: 1 | Name of the line | |
ShortName | 0: 1 | Short name (e.g. short version of commonly (publicly) known name) | |
Description | 0: 1 | Description | |
TransportMode | AllVehicleModesOfTransportEnumeration | 1: 1 | See Mode in Transport Modes for valid values |
TransportSubmode | TransportSubmode | 1: 1 | See Submodes in Transport Modes for valid values (must be a TransportSubmode belonging to the selected TransportMode) |
Url | xsd:anyURI | 0: 1 | URL to a website with information about the line. |
PublicCode | xsd:normalizedString | 0: 1 | The publicly advertised line number, or code of the line. Usually a number, or a number combined with a letter (eg L2, 31, 30E etc.). The Name field normally contains more information than the PublicCode, and is often the combination of PublicCode + Name. |
PrivateCode | xsd:normalizedString | 0: 1 | Internal (non-public) identifier for the line. For example, a code used by transport planners. |
ExternalLineRef | ExternalObjectRef | 0: 1 | Reference (ID) to a related Line (for example, the regular line for which this is a replacement). |
OperatorRef | OperatorRefStructure | 1: 1 | Reference to the main operator (may be omitted in exceptional cases, such as a different operator for every departure). |
additionalOperators | transportOrganisationRef | 0: * | Reference to additional operators of the line |
TypeOfLineRef | TypeOfLineRef | 0: 1 | Reference to the line type. Classification, (e.g. replacement line) |
Monitored | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Specifies whether real-time information normally is available for this line (set to |
routes | RouteRef | 0: * | Reference to a listing of all routes (Route) which are part of the line. The references can normally be deduced from Line references in Routes. Therefore this field is only relevant in exceptional cases). |
RepresentedByGroupRef | GroupOfLinesRefStructure | 1: 1 | Reference to the Lines' Network (alternatively a more specific reference to the GroupOfLines). |
Presentation | 0: 1 | Graphical representation information (colour, text, etc.) | |
AccessibilityAssessment | 0: 1 | Universal Design - Description of the line |
Presentation | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
Colour | ColourValueType | 0: 1 | Six digit hexadecimal representation of the lines' RGB colour values. |
TextColour | ColourValueType | 0: 1 | Six digit hexadecimal representation of the lines' RGB colour values. |
TextFont | xsd:normalizedString | 0: 1 | Font identifier (font). Normally not specified. |
TypeOfService < TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
TypeOfService inherits fromTypeOfValue and does not introduce new elements or attributes. |
Route < LinkSequence < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
LineRef | LineRefStructure | 1: 1 | Reference to Line (Line) to which the Route belongs. |
DirectionType | DirectionTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | The direction of the route:
To be able to identify full- or partial circular routes clockwise/anticlockwise must be specified. |
pointsInSequence | 1: * | List of the routes points | |
InverseRouteRef | RouteRefStructure | 0: 1 | Reference to any route that goes in the opposite direction |
RoutePoint < Point < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
BorderCrossing | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Specifies whether the point is on the border between two countries. |
ScheduledStopPoint < TimingPoint < Point < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
TimingPointStatus | TimingPointStatusEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of TimingPoint:
tariffZones | TariffZoneRef | 0: 1 | List of TariffZones (TariffZone) the StopPoint belongs to Not recommended to use, as this may be overridden by TariffZone / FareZone geography specified in the SiteFrame. |
Presentation | 0: 1 | Graphical elements related to StopPoint |
TimingPoint < Point < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
TimingPointStatus | TimingPointStatusEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of TimingPoint:
AllowedForWaitTime | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Allowed waiting time at the TimingPoint. |
PointOnRoute < PointInLinkSequence < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
LinkSequenceRef | LinkSequenceRefStructure | 0: 1 | Reference to LinkSequence to which the point belongs. RouteRef should be used since Route inherits from LinkSequence. Note that the field should not be used if PointOnRoute is defined inline in Route. |
projections | 0: * | Projection on a point (RoutePoint, TimingPoint, SchedueledStopPoint) or a GML-coordinate projection. | |
PointRef | PointRefStructure | 1: 1 | Reference to Point RoutePointRef should be used to point to the corresponding RoutePoint. |
RouteLink < Link < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
FromPointRef | RoutePointRef | 1: 1 | The start point for the RouteLink |
ToPointRef | RoutePointRef | 1: 1 | The endpoint for the RouteLink |
ServiceLink < Link < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
Distance | xsd:decimal |