Current version for timetable is: v1.5 (last changed Jul 28, 2022)
- 1 Components
- 1.1 Journey
- 1.1.1 Journey
- 1.1.2 JourneyEndpointStructure
- 1.2 Types of journey
- 1.2.1 VehicleJourney
- JourneyPart
- Frequency
- VehicleJourneyWaitTime
- VehicleJourneyRunTime
- VehicleJourneyHeadway
- TimetabledPassingTime
- 1.2.2 ServiceJourney
- TrainNumber
- FlexibleServiceProperties
- 1.2.3 DatedServiceJourney
- 1.2.4 DeadRun
- 1.2.5 Periodical journeys
- TemplateVehicleJourney
- TemplateServiceJourney
- JourneyFrequencyGroup
- RhythmicalJourneyGroup
- HeadwayJourneyGroup
- 1.2.6 Coupled journeys
- CoupledJourney
- JourneyPartCouple
- 1.2.1 VehicleJourney
- 1.3 ServiceCalendar
- 1.4 Interchange
- 1.4.1 Interchange across datasets
- 1.4.2 Interchange
- 1.4.3 ServiceJourneyInterchange
- 1.1 Journey
This document is part of NeTEx Norwegian Profile and describes data elements used for calendar data and planned timetables data exchange in the NeTEx format.
Note that the timetable-part of the profile describes elements for constructing time plans or time tables (dates, times, frequencies etc.) to be used in exchanging data between different systems, and representation of this information to travellers, based on the superordinate concept from the network-profile document.
An abstract type which describes a departure/journey.
See definition under General information
Examples in the GitHub-repository (replacement transport)
Journey < LinkSequence < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
Description | 0: 1 | Description of the departure | |
TransportMode | AllVehicleModesOfTransportEnumeration | 0: 1 | Transport mode, see Mode in Transport Modes for possible values (with accompanying submodes). Note that when overriding the mode for a Journey, both TransportMode and TransportSubmode must be specified. |
TransportSubmode | TransportSubmode | 0: 1 | Transport submode See Submode in Transport Modes for possible values (must be a submode of specified TransportMode) Note that when overriding the mode for a Journey, both TransportMode and TransportSubmode must be specified. |
ExternalVehicleJourneyRef | ExternalObjectRef | 0: 1 | Reference (ID) to original ServiceJourney when specifying replacement traffic. Note that replaced ServiceJourneys (if ID is referred to by ExternalVehicleJourneyRef) must also be part of the dataset (even in cases of partial delivery) to ensure the validity of the reference. |
Monitored | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Specifies whether real-time information is available for the departure. |
Description of the beginning,- or the destination of a VehicleJourney
JourneyEndpointStructure | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
Name | 0: 1 | Name | |
ScheduledStopPointRef | ScheduledStopPointRef | 0: 1 | Reference to ScheduledStopPoint |
DestinationDisplayRef | DestinationDisplayRef | 0: 1 | Reference to DestinationDisplay |
Types of journey
VehicleJourney < Journey < LinkSequence < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
PrivateCode | xsd:normalizedString | 0: 1 | Internal code (non-public identifier) for the journey (e.g. train- or trip number from the planners' tool) |
DepartureTime | xsd:time | 0: 1 | Time of departure for the journey. |
Frequency | 0: 1 | Frequency or interval for departures. Used only for frequency-based departures. | |
JourneyDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | The total duration of the journey. |
RouteRef | RouteRef | 0: 1 | Reference to Route (not mandatory for ServiceJourney, as this can be derived from JourneyPatternRef) |
PublicCode | xsd:normalizedString | 0: 1 | Public code or identifier for the journey Used only when for example the line number is changed per trip or has extraordinary overrides. |
waitTimes | 0: * | Description of wait times at TimingPoints Normally used only when describing frequency-based departures. | |
runTimes | 0: * | Description of run times between TimingPoints Normally used only when describing frequency-based departures. | |
passingTimes | 1: * | Description of planned passing times at StopPoints or TimingPoints | |
parts | 0: * | List of the parts of the journey. Used in special cases such as combined journeys. |
JourneyPart < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
Description | 0: 1 | Description | |
MainPartRef | JourneyPartCoupleRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the main part of the journey |
JourneyPartCoupleRef | JourneyPartCoupleRef | 0: 1 | Reference to CoupledJourney to which this journey part belongs. |
TrainNumberRef | TrainNumberRef | 0: 1 | Reference to TrainNumber for the journey part |
FromStopPointRef | ScheduledStopPointRef | 0: 1 | The starting point for the journey part (ScheduledStopPoint) |
ToStopPointRef | ScheduledStopPointRef | 0: 1 | The destination for the journey part (ScheduledStopPoint) |
StartTime | xsd:time | 1: 1 | Start-time |
EndTime | xsd:time | 1: 1 | End-time |
Frequency < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
ScheduledHeadwayInterval | xsd:duration | 1: 1 | Planned departure interval |
MinimumHeadwayInterval | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Minimum departure interval |
MaximumHeadwayInterval | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Maximum departure interval |
Description | 0: 1 | Description, for example, "every 15 minutes" |
VehicleJourneyWaitTime < JourneyWaitTime < JourneyTiming < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
VehicleJourneyRef | VehicleJourneyRef | 0: 1 | Reference to VehicleJourney |
VehicleJourneyRunTime < JourneyRuntime < JourneyTiming < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
VehicleJourneyRef | VehicleJourneyRef | 0: 1 | Reference to VehicleJourney |
VehicleJourneyHeadway < JourneyHeadway < JourneyTiming < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
VehicleJourneyRef | VehicleJourneyRef | 0: 1 | Reference to VehicleJourney |
ALTERNATIVE 1: Ordinary timetable for planned journeys
TimetabledPassingTime < PassingTime < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
| Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
attr | id | ObjectIdType | 1: 1 | Unique id for the object Mandatory attribute |
attr | version | VersionIdType | 1: 1 | Version number Mandatory attribute |
elem | PointInJourneyPatternRef | PointInJourneyPatternRef | 1: 1 | Reference to PointInJourneyPattern (the point being served/passed by the vehicle) |
elem (choice) | ArrivalTime ArrivalDayOffset | xsd:time DayOffsetType (xsd:integer) | 1: 1 0: 1 | Planned arrival time (if relevant, both ArrivalTime and DepartureTime may be specified) ArrivalOffset relative to the OperatingDay / Date for the affected VehicleJourney(s), e.g. "-1" (previous day) or "1" (next day) |
DepartureTime DepartureDayOffset | xsd:time DayOffsetType (xsd:integer) | 1: 1 0: 1 | Planned departure time (if relevant, both ArrivalTime and DepartureTime may be specified) DepartureOffset relative to the OperatingDay / Date for the affected VehicleJourney(s), e.g. "-1" (previous day) or "1" (next day) | |
elem | WaitingTime | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Planned waiting time at a Point |
ALTERNATIVE 2: On demand transport/FlexibleLines including hail and ride
TimetabledPassingTime < PassingTime < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
| Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
attr | id | ObjectIdType | 1: 1 | Unique id for the object Mandatory attribute |
attr | version | VersionIdType | 1: 1 | Version number Mandatory attribute |
elem | PointInJourneyPatternRef | PointInJourneyPatternRef | 1: 1 | Reference to PointInJourneyPattern (the point being served/passed by the vehicle) |
elem | WaitingTime | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Planned waiting time at a Point |
elem | LatestArrivalTime | xsd:time | 1: 1 | Latest possible (planned) arrival time (if relevant, both LatestArrivalTime and EarliestDepartureTime may be specified) |
elem | LatestArrivalDayOffset | DayOffsetType (xsd:integer) | 0: 1 | Number of days of arrival relative to the journey start day (only used when journey spans more than one calendar day) ArrivalOffset relative to the OperatingDay/Date for the affected VehicleJourney(s), e.g. "-1" (previous day) or "1" (next day) |
elem | EarliestDepartureTime | xsd:time | 1: 1 | Earliest possible departure time (if relevant, both LatestArrivalTime and EarliestDepartureTime may be specified) |
elem | EarliestDepartureDayOffset | DayOffsetType (xsd:integer) | 0: 1 | Number of days of arrival relative to the journey start day (only used when journey spans more than one calendar day) DepartureOffset relative to the OperatingDay/Date for the affected VehicleJourney(s), e.g. "-1" (previous day) or "1" (next day) |
ServiceJourney < VehicleJourney < Journey < LinkSequence < DataManagedObject | |||
Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
ServiceAlteration | ServiceAlterationEnumeration | 0: 1 | Journey type:
DepartureTime | xsd:time | 0: 1 | Departure time |
Frequency | 0: 1 | Frequency or interval for departures. Used only for frequency-based departures. | |
JourneyDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration of the journey |
dayTypes | DayTypeRef | 1: * | References to DayTypes |
JourneyPatternRef | JourneyPatternRef | 1: 1 | Reference to JourneyPattern |
JourneyFrequencyGroupRef | JourneyFrequencyGroupRef | 0: 1 | Reference to JourneyFrequencyGroup |
VehicleTypeRef | VehicleTypeRef | 0: 1 | Reference to VehicleType |
OperatorRef | OperatorRef | 0: 1 | Reference to Ope |