is a national service for journey planning for all public transport in Norway. This service is used by many journey planners planner apps /webs or and other services and can be considered a part of the digital infrastructure for the Norwegian mobility sector. To ensure normal usage and stability of this service rate-limiting policies applies apply for all users. Users without an agreement with Entur will get the default policy and rate limit policies with partners of Entur will have a custom policy.
Other-request - One policy applies for all other request available in the graphQL GraphQL API.
Each policy is split into to elements:
Quota - the number of request pr. minute, calculated using a counter within a time window of one minute that starts at the first request after the previous time window has ended. E.g. given a quota policy of 10 requests per minute, a violation will occur if a request is sent after the counter has reached its limit of 10 requests within the current time window.
SpikeArrest - the number of request pr. second, calculated by keeping track of time elapsed since last request. E.g. a spike arrest policy of two requests per second, means a violation will occur if a request is sent within half a second after the previous request.
Policy levels
Level | Trip-request Quota | Trip-requests SpikeArrest | Other-request Quota | Other-request SpikeArrest |
Non-identified consumers | 30 | 2 | 60 | 20 |
Consumers identified with | 500 | 150 | 1000 | 200 |
Entur Partners | custom | custom | custom | custom |
It is expected that consumers have control over their policy status with respect to traffic patterns. All responses from the service reply with a header value of headers containing current usage and remaining quota/spikearrest. When spike arrest occurs, headers are supplied containing the spike arrest policy itself. If your request hits the policy consumers violates one of the policies you will get a http 429
Example SpikeArrest
(header name ?)response with status code 429
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6585#section-4 ).
Example Spike arrest violation response headers (only given upon violation):
Code Block |
Spike-Allowed: 2 Spike-Range: per-second |
Example Quota (header name ?)headers (all responses have these headers, except when there is a spike arrest violation):
Code Block |
Rate-Limit-Allowed: 30 Rate-Limit-Available: 29 Rate-Limit-Expiry-Time: Mon Jan 16 2023 12:17:34 GMT-0000 (UTC) Rate-Limit-Range: "per-minute" Rate-Limit-Used: 1 |
Re-try policy
It makes sense for consuming apps/webs clients to implement a conservative re-try policy on spike-arrest violations
as spikes in traffic loads may occur.
Consuming apps/webs Clients should NOT implement a re-try policy for quota-violations
as this only will make things worse for app/web users. Upon quota violation, clients should wait at least until Rate-Limit-Expiry-Time
before trying again.