Using our services

Using our services

Entur offers the public transport sector several web-based self-service interfaces which allow a user to input or extract data from Entur services. All services exist in the three environments, production, staging and development.

Accessing our services

Most of our services require a user account created by an Entur admin. Please get in touch with your personal contact in Entur, or e-mail us at kollektivdata@entur.org if you think you need a user account. Please note that the user accounts for most services are personal and should not be shared with other people. To instead access our open data no account is necessary, please visit developer.entur.org.

National StopPlace Registry/Nasjonalt stoppestedsregister

The national stop place registry is openly available for anyone to view.

Editor access is granted by Entur admins on ownership- geographic- or modality based criteria.

Note that the dev and staging environments are copies of the production environment data and is therefore periodically overwritten.

User guide: National StopPlace Registry

Upload timetable data/Laste opp rutedata

A public transport operator can upload new datasets through the “Operator portal”. This is a self-service portal where uploaded data is automatically validated and published online.

Access to this service must be explicitly granted by Entur admins.

Brukerveiledning for operatørportal

Deviation messages/Avviksmeldinger

The ‘Avvik’-service allows public transport operators to create customer-relevant text messages to be displayed along with their timetable data. 'Avvik' creates SIRI SX messages and publishes them into our journey planner API.

Access to this service must be explicitly granted by Entur admins.

User guide: Deviation messages

Nplan - timetable editor

This is Entur’s own minimalistic timetable editor which exports NeTEx data into the journey planner API. Contact Entur for more information.

There is no user guide at this time.


For questions, access requests or bug-reports, please send a message to kollektivdata@entur.org.

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