BegrepTerm | DefinisjonDefinition |
| The physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to access or leave the public transport system. This link may be used during a trip for:- the walking movement of a passenger from a PLACE (origin of the trip) to a STOP POINT (origin of the PT TRIP), or- the walking movement from a STOP POINT (destination of the PT TRIP) to a PLACE (destination of the trip). |
Anchor |
| AccessEquipment |
| AccessEquipment |
| Access Equipment | Specialisation of PLACE EQUIPMENT dedicated to access (e.g. lifts, entrances, stairs, ramps, etc.). |
| An area within a STOP PLACE that does not give direct access to transport vehicles. May Can be connected to QUAYS by PATH LINKs. |
Anchor |
| AccessibilityAssessment |
| AccessibilityAssessment |
| Accessibility Assessment | The accessibility characteristics of an entity used by passengers such as a STOP PLACE, or a STOP PLACE COMPONENT. Described by ACCESSIBILITY LIMITATIONs, and/or a set of SUITABILITies. |
Anchor |
| AccessibilityLimitation |
| AccessibilityLimitation |
| Accessibility Limitation | A categorisation of the ACCESSIBILITY characteristics of a STOP PLACE COMPONENT such as a STOP PATH LINK, STOP PLACE or ACCESS SPACE to indicate its usability by passengers with specific needs, for example, those needing wheelchair access, step-free access or wanting to avoid confined spaces such as lifts. |
Anchor |
| ActualVehicleEquipment |
| ActualVehicleEquipment |
| Actual Vehicle Equipment | An item of EQUIPMENT of a particular type actually available in an individual VEHICLE. |
| The descriptive data associated with a PLACE that can be used to describe the unique geographical context of a PLACE for the purposes of identifying it. May Can further be refined specified as either a ROAD ADDRESS, a POSTAL ADDRESS or both. |
Anchor |
| AddressablePlace |
| AddressablePlace |
| Addressable Place | A PLACE which may have an address. |
Anchor |
| AllowedLineDirection |
| AllowedLineDirection |
| Allowed Line Direction | A set of allowed DIRECTIONs that can be used on a given ROUTE. |
Anchor |
| AlternativeName |
| AlternativeName |
| Alternative Name | Alternative An alternative name for the entity. |
| A set of properties to be applied applied to an another element. It has a name and an order. |
Anchor |
| AssistanceService |
| AssistanceService |
| Assistance Service | Specialisation A specialisation of LOCAL SERVICE for ASSISTANCE providing information like language, accessibility trained stafftrained staff, etc. |
| The organisation under which the responsibility of organising the transport service in a certain area is placed. |
Anchor |
| AvailabilityCondition |
| AvailabilityCondition |
| Availability Condition | VALIDITY CONDITION stated in terms of DAY TYPES and PROPERTIES OF DAYs. |
Block | The work of a vehicle from the time it leaves a PARKING POINT after parking until its next return to park at a PARKING POINT. Any subsequent departure from a PARKING POINT after parking marks the start of a new BLOCK. The period of a BLOCK has to be covered by DUTies. |
Anchor |
| BoardingPosition |
| BoardingPosition |
| Boarding Position | A location within a QUAY from which passengers may directly board, or onto which passengers may directly alight from, a VEHICLE. |
| An arbitrary marketing classification. |
Anchor |
| CheckConstraint |
| CheckConstraint |
| CheckConstraint | Characteristics of e.g. SITE COMPONENT or SERVICE JOURNEY, such as check-in, security screening, ticket control or immigration, that may potentially incur a time penalty that should be allowed for when journey planning. |
Anchor |
| CommonSection |
| CommonSection |
| Common Section | A shared set of LINKS or POINTs. A part of a public transport network where the ROUTEs of several JOURNEY PATTERNs are going in parallel and where the synchronisation of SERVICE JOURNEYs may be planned and controlled with respect to commonly used LINKs and STOP POINTs. COMMON SECTIONs are defined arbitrarily and need not cover the total lengths of topologically bundled sections. |
Anchor |
| CompoundTrain |
| CompoundTrain |
| Compound Train | A VEHICLE TYPE composed of a sequence of more than one vehicles of the type TRAIN. |
Anchor |
| ContactDetails |
| ContactDetails |
| Contact Details | Contact details for ORGANISATION for public use. |
Anchor |
| CoupledJourney |
| CoupledJourney |
| Coupled Journey | A complete journey operated by a coupled train, composed of two or more VEHICLE JOURNEYs remaining coupled together all along a JOURNEY PATTERN. A COUPLED JOURNEY may be viewed as a single VEHICLE JOURNEY. |
Anchor |
| CrossingEquipment |
| CrossingEquipment |
| Crossing Equipment | Specialisation A specialisation of PLACE ACCESS EQUIPMENT for CROSSING EQUIPMENTs (zebra, pedestrian lights, acoustic device sensors, tactile guide strips, etc.). |
Anchor |
| CycleStorageEquipment |
| CycleStorageEquipment |
| Cycle Storage Equipment | Specialisation of PLACE EQUIPMENT for cycle storage. |
| An ENTITY in VERSION that can be associated with a RESPONSIBILITY SET that describes who has responsibility for managing the data. |
| The DATA SOURCE identifies the system which has produced the data. References to a data source are useful in an interoperated computer system. |
| A type of day characterized by one or more properties which affect public transport operation. For example : "weekday in school holidays". |
Anchor |
| DayTypeAssignment |
| DayTypeAssignment |
| Day Type Assignment | Associates a DAY TYPE with an OPERATING DAY within a specific Calendar. A specification of a particular DAY TYPE which will be valid during a TIME BAND on an OPERATING DAY. |
Dead Run | A non-service VEHICLE JOURNEY. |
Anchor |
| DefaultConnection |
| DefaultConnection |
| Default Connection | The physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to change from one public transport vehicle to another to continue the trip. It specifies default times to be used to change from one mode of transport to another at an area or national level as specified by a TOPOGRAPHIC PLACE, STOP AREA or SITE ELEMENT. It may be restricted to a specific MODE or OPERATOR or only apply in a particular direction of transfer, e.g. bus to rail may have a different time for rail to bus. |
Anchor |
| DeliveryVariant |
| DeliveryVariant |
| Delivery Variant | A variant text of a NOTICE for use in a specific media or delivery channel (voice, printed material, etc). |
Anchor |
| DestinationDisplay |
| DestinationDisplay |
| Destination Display | An advertised destination of a specific JOURNEY PATTERN, usually displayed on a headsign, on the front of a vehicle, or at other on-board onboard locations. This information can be updated dynamically as the journey progresses, in particular when crossing VAI points. |
Anchor |
| DestinationDisplayVariant |
| DestinationDisplayVariant |
| Destination Display Variant | Alternative DESTINATION DISPLAY, generally aimed at specific media (SMS, email, etc). |
| A classification for the general orientation of ROUTEs. |
Anchor |
| DistributionChannel |
| DistributionChannel |
DistributionChannel | An outlet for selling a product. |
| Any data instance to be managed in an operational Version Management System. When several data sources coexist (multimodality and/or interoperability), an ENTITY has to be related to a given DATA SOURCE in which it is defined. |
Anchor |
| EntityInVersion |
| EntityInVersion |
| Entity In Version | The ENTITY associated to a given VERSION. |
| A physical entrance or exit to/from a SITE. May Can be a door, barrier, gate or other another recognizable point of access. |
Anchor |
| EntranceEquipment |
| EntranceEquipment |
| Entrance Equipment | Specialisation of PLACE ACCESS EQUIPMENT for ENTRANCEs (door, barrier, revolving door, etc.). |
| An item of equipment installed either fixed (PLACE EQUIPMENT) or on-board vehicles (VEHICLE EQUIPMENT). A service (LOCAL SERVICE such as LEFT LUGGAGE, TICKETING SERVICE) is considered as immaterial equipment as well. |
Anchor |
| EquipmentPlace |
| EquipmentPlace |
| Equipment Place | Designated Place within a SITE for a locating EQUIPMENT. |
| A set of FACILITIES that may be associated with an ENTITY and subject to a specific VALIDITY CONDITION. |
Fare Product | An immaterial marketable element (access rights, discount rights etc), specific to a CHARGING MOMENT. |
| Specialisation A specialisation of a FLEXIBLE QUAY (which is abstract) to identify what is the catchment area for a flexible service (so that a stop finder can find find the nearest available types of transport). It is a named zone visited by a particular mode of transport. It is part of the SITE data set rather than the service data set, since it can be defined, and exists independently of from an actual service. |
| Specialisation A specialisation of LINE for flexible service. As all the service on a LINE may not all be flexible, flexibility itself is described at JOURNEY PATTERN level (meaning that a separate JOURNEY PATTERN is needed for each type of flexibility available for the line). |
Anchor |
| FlexibleLinkProperties |
| FlexibleLinkProperties |
| Flexible Link Properties | Set of properties describing the flexible characteristics of a LINK. A composition is used with LINK in order to avoid multiple inheritance inheritances and a type explosion of link subtypes |
Anchor |
| FlexiblePointProperties |
| FlexiblePointProperties |
| Flexible Point Properties | Set of characteristics describing the possible flexibility of POINTs. A composition is used with POINT in order to avoid multiple inheritanceinheritances. |
| A physical ZONE such as a section of a road where a flexible service is available on demand. The existence of the zone makes the services visible to journey planners looking for available services for an area. |
Anchor |
| FlexibleRoute |
| FlexibleRoute |
| Flexible Route | Specialisation A specialisation of ROUTE for flexible service. May include both point and zonal areas and ordered and unordered sections. |
Anchor |
| FlexibleServiceProperties |
| FlexibleServiceProperties |
| Flexible Service Properties | Additional characteristics of a FLEXIBLE SERVICE. A service may be partly fixed, partly flexible. |
Anchor |
| FlexibleStopAssignment |
| FlexibleStopAssignment |
| Flexible Stop Assignment | Assignment of a SCHEDULED STOP POINT to a FLEXIBLE STOP PLACE and quay. etc. |
Anchor |
| FlexibleStopPlace |
| FlexibleStopPlace |
| Flexible Stop Place | A specialisation of the STOP PLACE describing a stop of a FLEXIBLE SERVICE. It may be composed of FLEXIBLE AREAs or HAIL AND RIDE AREAs identifying the catchment areas for flexible services (when they use areas or flexible quays). Some FLEXIBLE SERVICE also use uses regular STOP PLACEs for their stops. When assigned to a SCHEDULED STOP POINT the corresponding SCHEDULED STOP POINT is supposed to be a ZONE (the centroid point of the ZONE being the SCHEDULED STOP POINT). |
| Frequency The frequency of Journey. (Type for a HEADWAY INTERVAL.) |
Anchor |
| GeneralGroupOfEntities |
| GeneralGroupOfEntities |
| General Group Of Entities | A grouping of ENTITies which will be commonly referenced for a specific purpose. |
Anchor |
| GenericParameterAssignment |
| GenericParameterAssignment |
| Generic Parameter Assigment | A VALIDITY PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT specifying generic access rights for a class of products (e.g. a time band limit - 7 to 10 a.m. - for trips made with a student pass). |
Anchor |
| GroupOfDistributionChannels |
| GroupOfDistributionChannels |
| Group Of Distribution Channels | A grouping of DISTRIBUTION CHANNELs. |
Anchor |
| GroupOfEntities |
| GroupOfEntities |
| Group Of Entities | A set of ENTITies grouped together according to a PURPOSE OF GROUPING, e.g. grouping of stops known to the public by a common name. |
| A grouping of lines which will be commonly referenced for a specific purpose. |
Anchor |
| GroupOfOperators |
| GroupOfOperators |
| Group Of Operators | A group of OPERATORs having, for instance, common schemes for fare collection or passenger information. |
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| GroupOfServices |
| GroupOfServices |
| Group of Services | A group of SERVICEs, often known to its users by a name or a number. |
Anchor |
| GroupOfSalesOfferPackages |
| GroupOfSalesOfferPackages |
| Group of Sales Offer Packages | A grouping of SALES OFFER PACKAGEs |
Anchor |
| GroupOfStopPlaces |
| GroupOfStopPlaces |
| Group Of Stop Places | A grouping of STOP PLACEs which will be commonly referenced for a specific purpose. The term corresponds to specialization a specialisation of standard Transmodel concept GROUP OF ENTITIES. |
Anchor |
| HailAndRideArea |
| HailAndRideArea |
| Hail And Ride Area | A section of Road between two points within which one may hail a bus to board it or alight from it or ask it to stop to alight. |
Anchor |
| HeadwayInterval |
| HeadwayInterval |
Headway Interval | A time interval or a duration defining a headway period and characterizing HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP (e.g. every 10 min, every 4-6 min). |
Anchor |
| HeadwayJourneyGroup |
| HeadwayJourneyGroup |
| Headway Journey Group | A group of VEHICLE JOURNEYs following the same JOURNEY PATTERN having the same HEADWAY INTERVAL between a specified start and end time (for example, every 10 min). This is especially useful for passenger information. |
| The scheduled possibility for transfer of passengers between two SERVICE JOURNEYs at the same or different STOP POINTs. |
| Common properties of VEHICLE JOURNEYs and SPECIAL SERVICEs, e.g. their link to accounting characteristics. |
Anchor |
| JourneyFrequencyGroup |
| JourneyFrequencyGroup |
| Journey Frequency Group | A group of JOURNEYs defined in order to describe special behavior behaviour like frequency based services or rhythmical services (runs all xxh10, xxh25 and xxh45... for example; this is especially useful for passenger information). |
Anchor |
| JourneyHeadway |
| JourneyHeadway |
| Journey Headway | Headway interval information that is available for all the VEHICLE JOURNEYs running on the JOURNEY PATTERN for a given TIME DEMAND TYPE, at a given TIMING POINT. This is a default value that can be superseded by VEHICLE JOURNEY HEADWAY. This information must be consistent with HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP if available (HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP being a more detailed way of describing headway services). |
Anchor |
| JourneyLayover |
| JourneyLayover |
| Journey Layover | Time allowance at the end of each journey on a specified JOURNEY PATTERN, to allow for delays and for other purposes. This layover supersedes any global layover and may be superseded by a specific VEHICLE JOURNEY LAYOVER. |
Anchor |
| JourneyMeeting |
| JourneyMeeting |
| Journey Meeting | A time constraint for one or several SERVICE JOURNEYs fixing interchanges between them and/or an external event (e.g. arrival or departure of a feeder line, the opening time of the theatre, etc.). |
| A part of a VEHICLE JOURNEY created according to a specific functional purpose, for instance in situations when vehicle coupling or separating occurs. |
Anchor |
| JourneyPartCouple |
| JourneyPartCouple |
| Journey Part Couple | Two JOURNEY PARTs of different VEHICLE JOURNEYs served simultaneously by a train set up by coupling their single vehicles. |
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| JourneyPattern |
| JourneyPattern |
| Journey Pattern | An ordered list of SCHEDULED STOP POINTs and TIMING POINTs on a single ROUTE, describing the pattern of working for public transport vehicles. A JOURNEY PATTERN may pass through the same POINT more than once. The first point of a JOURNEY PATTERN is the origin. The last point is the destination. |
Anchor |
| JourneyPatternRunTime |
| JourneyPatternRunTime |
| Journey Pattern Run Time | The JOURNEY PATTERN RUN TIME is the time taken to traverse a TIMING LINK in a particular JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE. If it exists, it will override the DEFAULT SERVICE JOURNEY RUN TIME and DEFAULT DEAD RUN RUN TIME. |
Anchor |
| JourneyPatternWaitTime |
| JourneyPatternWaitTime |
| Journey Pattern Wait Time | The JOURNEY PATTERN WAIT TIME represents the time a vehicle has to wait at a specific TIMING POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE. This wait time can be superseded by a VEHICLE JOURNEY WAIT TIME. |
Anchor |
| JourneyRunTime |
| JourneyRunTime |
| Journey Run Time | The time taken it takes to traverse a TIMING LINK in a particular JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE. If it exists, it will override the DEFAULT SERVICE JOURNEY RUN TIME and DEFAULT DEAD RUN RUN TIME. |
Anchor |
| JourneyTiming |
| JourneyTiming |
| Journey Timing | A timeTime-related information referring to journey timing whose value depends on the time of use and so can be associated with a TIME DEMAND TYPE, TIME BAND or OPERATIONAL CONTEXT. |
Anchor |
| JourneyWaitTime |
| JourneyWaitTime |
| Journey Wait Time | The time a vehicle has to wait at a specific TIMING POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN, for a specified TIME DEMAND TYPE. This wait time can be superseded by a VEHICLE JOURNEY WAIT TIME. |
| A list of alternative Key values for an element. |
| An identified storey (ground, first, basement, mezzanine, etc) within an interchange building or SITE on which SITE COMPONENTs reside. A PATH LINK may connect components on different levels. |
| A group of ROUTEs which is generally known to the public by a similar name or number. |
| A description of the topological connectivity of a LINE as a set of LINE SECTIONs. This is sufficient to draw a route map for the whole line including branches and loops. |
| A part of a NETWORK comprising an edge between two nodes. Not directional. |
| An oriented spatial object of dimension 1 with in view to of the overall description of a network, describing a connection between two POINTs. |
Anchor |
| LinkInJourneyPattern |
| LinkInJourneyPattern |
| Link In Journey Pattern | A SERVICE LINK or TIMING LINK in a JOURNEY PATTERN with its order in that JOURNEY PATTERN. |
Anchor |
| LinkInLinkSequence |
| LinkInLinkSequence |
| Link In Link Sequence | The order of a LINK in a LINK SEQUENCE to which it belongs. |
| An ordered sequence either of POINTs or of LINKs, defining a path through the network. |
| The position of a POINT with a reference to a given LOCATING SYSTEM (e. g. coordinates). |
Anchor |
| LuggageService |
| LuggageService |
| Luggage Service | Specialisation A specialisation of CUSTOMER SERVICE for LUGGAGE SERVICE (provides luggage service attributes like luggage trolley, free to use, etc.). |
Anchor |
| NavigationPath |
| NavigationPath |
| Navigation Path | A designated path between two places. May include an ordered sequence of PATH LINKs. |
| A named grouping of LINEs under which a transport network is known. |
| A text for informational purposes on exceptions in a LINE, a JOURNEY PATTERN, etc. The information may be usable for passenger or driver information. |
Anchor |
| NoticeAssignment |
| NoticeAssignment |
| Notice Assignment | The assignment of a NOTICE showing an exception in a JOURNEY PATTERN, a COMMON SECTION, or a VEHICLE JOURNEY, possible specifying at which POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN the validity of the NOTICE starts and ends respectively. |
| A day of public transport operation in a specific calendar. An OPERATING DAY may last more than 24 hours. |
Anchor |
| OperatingPeriod |
| OperatingPeriod |
| Operating Period | A continuous interval of time between two OPERATING DAYs which will be used to define validities. |
| A company providing public transport services. |
| A legally incorporated body associated with any aspect of the transport system. |
Anchor |
| OrganisationPart |
| OrganisationPart |
| Organisation Part | A named subdivision of an ORGANISATION. |
| A named place where Parking may be accessed. May Can be a building complex (e.g. a station) or an on-street location. |
| Area An area within a PARKING. |
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| ParkingCapacity |
| ParkingCapacity |
| Parking Capacity | Capacity The capacity of a PARKING. |
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| ParkingProperties |
| ParkingProperties |
| Parking Properties | PARKING specific properties other than its CAPACITY. |
Anchor |
| PassengerEquipment |
| PassengerEquipment |
| Passenger Equipment | Equipment for passengers that may be in a fixed within a STOP PLACE. |
Anchor |
| PassengerStopAssignment |
| PassengerStopAssignment |
| Passenger Stop Assignment | The allocation of a SCHEDULED STOP POINT (i.e. a SCHEDULED STOP POINT of a SERVICE PATTERN or JOURNEY PATTERN) to a specific STOP PLACE for a SERVICE JOURNEY, and also possibly a QUAY and BOARDING POSITION. |
| Time data concerning public transport vehicles passing a particular POINT; e.g. arrival time, departure time, waiting time. |
| A designated point, inside or outside of a STOP PLACE or POINT OF INTEREST, at which two or more PATH LINKs may connect or branch. |
| A link between any two PLACEs (That is STOP PLACEs, ACCESS SPACEs or QUAYs, BOARDING POSITIONs, POINTs OF INTEREST etc or PATH JUNCTIONs) that represents a step in a possible route for pedestrians, cyclists or other out of vehicle passengers within or between a PLACE. |
| A geographic place of any type which may be specified as the origin or destination of a trip. A PLACE may be represented as a POINT (dimension 0) , a road section (dimension 1) or a ZONE (dimension 2). |
Anchor |
| PlaceLighting |
| PlaceLighting |
| Place Lighting | Specialisation A specialisation of PLACE EQUIPMENT for LIGHTING EQUIPMENT (e.g. lamp post). |
| A 0-dimensional node of the network used for the spatial description of the network. POINTs may be located by a LOCATION in a given LOCATING SYSTEM. |
Anchor |
| PointInLinkSequence |
| PointInLinkSequence |
| Point In Link Sequence | A POINT in a LINK SEQUENCE indicating its order in that particular LINK SEQUENCE. |
| A type of SITE to or through which passengers may wish to navigate as part of their journey and which is modelled in detail by journey planners. |
| A ROUTE POINT used to define a ROUTE with its order on that ROUTE. |
Anchor |
| PointProjection |
| PointProjection |
| Point Projection | An oriented correspondence from one POINT of a source layer, onto a an entity in a target layer: e.g. POINT, LINK, LINK SEQUENCE, COMPLEX FEATURE, within a defined TYPE OF PROJECTION. |
Anchor |
| PostalAddress |
| PostalAddress |
| Postal Address | A specification of ADDRESS refining it by using the attributes used for conventional identification for mail. Comprises variously a building Identifier, Street name, Post code Postcode and other descriptors. |
Anchor |
| PreassignedFareProduct |
| PreassignedFareProduct |
| Preassigned Fare Product | A FARE PRODUCT consisting of one or several VALIDABLE ELEMENTs, specific to a CHARGING MOMENT. |
| An oriented correspondence - of the shape of an ENTITY on a source layer, - onto a an ENTITY in a target layer: e.g. POINT, LINK, LINK SEQUENCE, COMPLEX FEATURE, - within a defined TYPE OF PROJECTION. |
Anchor |
| PropertyOfDay |
| PropertyOfDay |
| Property Of Day | A property which a day may possess, such as school holiday, weekday, summer, winter etc. |
| A place such as a platform, stance, or quayside where passengers have access to PT vehicles, Taxi, cars or other means of transportation. A QUAY may serve one or more VEHICLE STOPPING PLACEs and be associated with one or more STOP POINTS. A QUAY may contain other sub QUAYs. A child QUAY must be physically contained within its parent QUAY. |
Anchor |
| RampEquipment |
| RampEquipment |
| Ramp Equipment | Specialisation A specialisation of PLACE ACCESS EQUIPMENT for RAMPs (provides ramp attributes like length, gradient, etc.). |
Refunding | Whether and how the product may be refunded. |
| Specialization A specialisation of ADDRESS refining it by using the characteristics such as road number, and name used for conventional identification of along a a road. |
| Specialisation A specialisation of PLACE EQUIPMENT for rough surfaces, giving properties of surface texture, mainly for impaired person information. |
| An ordered list of located POINTs defining one single path through the road (or rail) network. A ROUTE may pass through the same POINT more than once. |
| An oriented link between two ROUTE POINTs allowing the definition of a unique path through the network. |
| A POINT used to define the shape of a ROUTE through the network. |
Anchor |
| RhythmicalJourneyGroup |
| RhythmicalJourneyGroup |
| Rhythmical Journey Group | A group of VEHICLE JOURNEYs following the same JOURNEY PATTERN having the same "rhythm" every hour (for example, ‘runs at xxh10, xxh25 and xxh45 past the hour’) between a specified start and end time. |
Anchor |
| SalesOfferPackageSubstitution |
| SalesOfferPackageSubstitution |
Sales Offer Package Substitution | SALES OFFER PACKAGE that may be used to substitute base SALES OFFER PACKAGE. |
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| SanitaryEquipment |
| SanitaryEquipment |
| Sanitary Equipment | A SANITARY FACILITY, e.g. WC, Shower, baby change. |
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| ScheduledStopPoint |
| ScheduledStopPoint |
| Scheduled Stop Point | A POINT where passengers can board or alight from vehicles. |
| A map representing schematically the layout of the topographic structure of PLACEs (e.g. a set of SITEs) or the public transport network (a set of LINEs). It can include a pixel projection of a set of ENTITies onto a bitmap image so as to support hyperlinked interactions. |
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| SchematicMapMember |
| SchematicMapMember |
| Schematic Map Member | Projection of a transport network object on a SCHEMATIC MAP. |
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| ServiceCalendar |
| ServiceCalendar |
| Service Calendar | A collection of DAY TYPE ASSIGNMENTs. |
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| ServiceExclusion |
| ServiceExclusion |
| Service Exclusion | A constraint on the use of a service. The service, on this specific JOURNEY PATTERN (usually a an FTS JOURNEY PATTERN), cannot operate when another (regular) service operates. This may occur only on a subpart of the JOURNEY PATTERN, or only on one or some specific SCHEDULED STOP POINTs within the pattern. |
Anchor |
| ServiceFacilitySet |
| ServiceFacilitySet |
| Service Facility Set | Set of FACILITies available for a SERVICE JOURNEY or a JOURNEY PART. The set may be available only for a specific VEHICLE TYPE within the SERVICE (e.g. carriage equipped built with a low floor). |
Anchor |
| ServiceJourney |
| ServiceJourney |
| Service Journey | A passenger carrying VEHICLE JOURNEY for one specified DAY TYPE. The pattern of working is in principle defined by a SERVICE JOURNEY PATTERN. |
Anchor |
| ServiceJourneyInterchange |
| ServiceJourneyInterchange |
| Service Journey Interchange | The scheduled possibility for transfer of passengers between two SERVICE JOURNEYs at the same or different STOP POINTs. |
| A LINK between an ordered pair of STOP POINTs. Service links are directional - there will be separate links for each direction of a route. |
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| ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern |
| ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern |
| Service Link In Journey Pattern | The use of a SERVICE LINK in a specified order within a JOURNEY PATTERN or SERVICE PATTERN. |
Anchor |
| ShelterEquipment |
| ShelterEquipment |
| Shelter Equipment | Specialisation A specialisation of WAITING EQUIPMENT for a SHELTER. |
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| SignEquipment |
| SignEquipment |
| Sign Equipment | SIGN EQUIPMENT can define signs visible to passengers at places in a SITE, such as PLACE SIGNS, DIRECTION SIGNs, etc. these can be used to provide guidance. |
| A type of PLACE, such as a STOP PLACE, POINT OF INTEREST or ADDRESS, to which passengers may wish to travel. A SITE can have designated ENTRANCEs that represent the available points of access for different USER NEEDs. |
Anchor |
| SiteConnection |
| SiteConnection |
| Site Connection | The physical (spatial) possibility for a passenger to change from one public transport vehicle to another to continue the trip, determined by physical locations, such as SITEs and/or its components and/or ENTRANCEs, in particular, STOP PLACEs and/or its components. Different times may be necessary to cover the resulting distance, depending on the kind of passenger. |
| A type of PLACE specifying common properties of a SITE or a SITE COMPONENT to describe it., including accessibility. |
Anchor |
| SiteEquipment |
| SiteEquipment |
| Site Equipment | Specialisation A specialisation of PLACE EQUIPMENT for SITEs (e.g. LUGGAGE LOCKER, WAITING EQUIPMENT, TROLLEY STAND, etc.) |
Anchor |
| SiteFacilitySet |
| SiteFacilitySet |
| Site Facility Set | Set of enumerated FACILITY values that are relevant to a SITE (names based on TPEG classifications, augmented with UIC etc.). |
Anchor |
| SpecialService |
| SpecialService |
| Special Service | A passenger carrying VEHICLE JOURNEY for one specified DAY TYPE. The pattern of working is in principle defined by a SERVICE JOURNEY PATTERN. |
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| StopAssignment |
| StopAssignment |
| Stop Assignment | The allocation of a SCHEDULED STOP POINT (i.e. a SCHEDULED STOP POINT of a SERVICE PATTERN or JOURNEY PATTERN) to a specific STOP PLACE, for either a Passenger JOURNEY or VEHICLE SERVICE. |
| A place comprising one or more locations where vehicles may stop and where passengers may board or leave vehicles or prepare their trip. A STOP PLACE will usually have one or more well-known names. |
Anchor |
| StopPlaceSpace |
| StopPlaceSpace |
| Stop Place Space | A physical area within a STOP PLACE, for example, a QUAY, BOARDING POSITION, ACCESS SPACE or EQUIPMENT PLACE. |
Anchor |
| StopPointInJourneyPattern |
| StopPointInJourneyPattern |
| Stop Point In Journey Pattern | A POINT in a JOURNEY PATTERN which is a SCHEDULED STOP POINT. |
| A statement of whether a particular USER NEED can be met. It can be used to state whether a SITE can be accessed by a passenger with a particular USER NEED. |
| A ZONE used to define a zonal fare structure in a zone-counting or zone-matrix system. |
| A VEHICLE JOURNEY with a set of frequencies that may be used to represent a set of similar journeys differing only by their time of departure. |
| A repeating VEHICLE JOURNEY for which a frequency has been specified, either as a HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP (e.g. every 20 minutes) or a RYTHMICAL RHYTHMICAL JOURNEY GROUP (e.g. at 15, 27 and 40 minutes past the hour) has been specified. |
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| TicketingEquipment |
| TicketingEquipment |
| Ticketing Equipment | Specialisation A specialisation of PASSENGER EQUIPMENT for TICKETING |
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| TicketValidatorEquipment |
| TicketValidatorEquipment |
| Ticket Validator Equipment | Specialisation A specialisation of PASSENGER EQUIPMENT (PLACE EQUIPMENT) for TICKET VALIDATOR. |
| A period in a day, significant for some aspect of public transport, e.g. similar traffic conditions or fare category. |
| A set of timetable data (VEHICLE JOURNEYs, etc.) to which the same VALIDITY CONDITIONs have been assigned. |
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| TimetabledPassingTime |
| TimetabledPassingTime |
| Timetabled Passing Time | Long-term planned time data concerning public transport vehicles passing a particular POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY for a certain DAY TYPE. |
| An ordered pair of TIMING POINTs for which run times may be recorded. |
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| TimingLinkInJourneyPattern |
| TimingLinkInJourneyPattern |
| Timing Link In Journey Pattern | The position of a TIMING LINK in a JOURNEY PATTERN. This ENTITY is needed if a TIMING LINK is repeated in the same JOURNEY PATTERN, and separate information is to be stored about each iteration of the TIMING LINK. |
| A POINT against which the timing information necessary to build schedules may be recorded. |
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| TimingPointInJourneyPattern |
| TimingPointInJourneyPattern |
| Timing Point In Journey Pattern | A NODE in a JOURNEY PATTERN which is a TIMING POINT. |
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| TopographicPlace |
| TopographicPlace |
| Topographic Place | A type of PLACE providing the topographical context when searching for or presenting travel information, for example as the origin or destination of a trip. It may be of any size (e.g. County, City, Town, Village) and of different specificity (e.g. Greater London, London, West End, Westminster, St James s). A TOPOGRAPHICAL PLACE must always have an official name. |
| A vehicle composed of TRAIN ELEMENTs in a certain order, i.e. of wagons assembled together and propelled by a locomotive or one of the wagons. |
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| TrainComponent |
| TrainComponent |
| Train Component | A specification of the order of TRAIN ELEMENTs in a TRAIN. |
| An elementary component of a TRAIN (e.g. wagon, locomotive). |
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| TrainInCompoundTrain |
| TrainInCompoundTrain |
| Train In Compound Train | An instance of a TRAIN making up a COMPOUND TRAIN. |
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| TrainStopAssignment |
| TrainStopAssignment |
| Train Stop Assignment | The association of a TRAIN COMPONENT at a SCHEDULED STOP POINT with a specific STOP PLACE and also possibly a QUAY and BOARDING POSITION. |
| The possibility of a passenger to transfer between two PLACEs. May have times associated for with the transfer. |
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| TransferDuration |
| TransferDuration |
| Transfer Duration | Times taken to make The time it takes to complete a TRANSFER. |
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| TypeOfService |
| TypeOfService |
| Type Of Service | Classification of a Service. |
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| UsageParameter |
| UsageParameter |
| UsageParameter | A parameter used to specify the use of a SALES OFFER PACKAGE or a FARE PRODUCT. |
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| UsageParameterPrice |
| UsageParameterPrice |
| UsageParameterPrice | A set of all possible price features of a USAGE PARAMETER: discount in value or percentage etc. |
| Simple version of a VALIDITY CONDITION. Comprises a simple period. NO UNIQUENESS CONSTRAINT. |
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| ValidityCondition |
| ValidityCondition |
| Validity Condition | Condition used in order to characterise a given VERSION of a VERSION FRAME. A VALIDITY CONDITION consists of a parameter (e.g. date, triggering event, etc.) and its type of application (e.g. for, from, until, etc.). |
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| ValidityCondition |
| ValidityCondition |
| Validity Parameter Assignment | An ACCESS RIGHT PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT relating a fare collection parameter to a theoretical FARE PRODUCT (or one of its components) or a SALES OFFER PACKAGE. |
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| ValidityTrigger |
| ValidityTrigger |
| Validity Trigger | External event defining a VALIDITY CONDITION. E.g exceptional flow of a river, bad weather, road closure for works. |
| A public transport vehicle used for carrying passengers. |
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| VehicleJourney |
| VehicleJourney |
| Vehicle Journey | The planned movement of a public transport vehicle on a DAY TYPE from the start point to the end point of a JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified ROUTE. |
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| VehicleJourneyHeadway |
| VehicleJourneyHeadway |
| Vehicle Journey Headway | Headway interval information that is available for a VEHICLE JOURNEY (to be understood as the delay between the previous and the next VEHICLE JOURNEY). This information must be consistent with HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP if available (HEADWAY JOURNEY GROUP being a more detailed way of describing headway services). |
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| VehicleJourneyLayover |
| VehicleJourneyLayover |
| Vehicle Journey Layover | A time allowance at the end of a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY. This time supersedes any global layover or JOURNEY PATTERN LAYOVER. |
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| VehicleJourneyRunTime |
| VehicleJourneyRunTime |
| Vehicle Journey Run Time | The time taken it takes to traverse a specified TIMING LINK IN JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY. This gives the most detailed control over times and overrides the DEFAULT SERVICE JOURNEY RUN TIME and JOURNEY PATTERN RUN TIME and the DEFAULT DEAD RUN RUN TIME. There may be different times for different TIME DEMAND TYPES. |
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| VehicleJourneyWaitTime |
| VehicleJourneyWaitTime |
| Vehicle Journey Wait Time | The time for a vehicle to wait at a particular TIMING POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY. This wait time will override the JOURNEY PATTERN WAIT TIME. |
| Type of VEHICLE. |
| A group of operational data instances which share the same VALIDITY CONDITIONs. A version belongs to a unique VERSION FRAME and is characterized by a unique TYPE OF VERSION. |
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| VersionedChild |
| VersionedChild |
VersionedChild | A child ENTITY whose RESPONSIBILITY SET must be the same as its containing parent object, and which cannot exist independently of its parent in a repository, for example, a POINT IN PATTERN. Thus in practice, if the parent is deleted, so will the child be. |
| A location (e.g. a ROUTE POINT) used to distinguish a ROUTE form another ROUTE. It may be used for DESTINATION DISPLAYs |
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| WaitingEquipment |
| WaitingEquipment |
| Waiting Equipment | Specialisation A specialisation of SITE EQUIPMENT for WAITING EQUIPMENTs (shelter, waiting room, etc.). |
| A two-dimensional PLACE within the service area of a public transport operator (administrative zone, TARIFF ZONE, ACCESS ZONE, etc.). |
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| ZoneProjection |
| ZoneProjection |
| Zone Projection | An oriented correspondence from one ZONE in a source layer, onto a target entity: e.g. POINT, COMPLEX FEATURE, within a defined TYPE OF PROJECTION. |