Quota - the number of request pr. minute, calculated using a counter within a time window of one minute that starts at the first request after the previous time window has endedand is reset every minute. E.g. given a quota policy of 10 requests per minute, a violation will occur if a request is sent after the counter has reached its limit of 10 requests within the current time window.
It is expected that consumers have control over their policy status with respect to traffic patterns. All responses from the service reply with headers containing contain headers with details about current usage and remaining quota. When spike arrest occurs, headers are supplied containing the spike arrest policy itself. If your request violates one of the policies you will get a response with status code 429
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6585#section-4 ).
Clients should NOT implement a re-try policy for quota-violations
as this only will make things worse. Upon quota violation, clients should wait at least until Rate-Limit-Expiry-Time
before trying again.