Table of Contents |
Line 109, Oslo
Infonote |
Accordning According to the Norwegian NeTEx-profile, each Line must be defined in its own separate XML-file. |
Route pattern
Line 109 is a an early morning bus service between Helsfyr and Holtet, partly as a supplement for the metro. It operates on all weekdays serving the following stops:
Helsfyr T
Brynseng T
Høyenhall T
Manglerud T
Ryen T
Holtet stasjon
There are three departures each morning, but times differ between weekdays and weekends. A Line with one route is modelled accordingly to the example for Simple bus line with rhythm-based departures, but Timetable is modelled as an explicit ServiceJourney for each departure.
Info |
Because some data structures relevant to this example have already been covered in Simple route - Bus (rhythm based departures) and Projection, parts of the relevant structure have been omitted, and this example covers only the ServiceJourney structure. |
Structuring of Passenger transport for a given day type is specified in this example as a set of ServiceJourneys (under vehicleJourneys), which describe one trip each. Although the pattern could have been defined as a rhythm-based departure, ref. Simple rhythm based bus line, it may be easier to define each departure as a separate ServiceJourney. in cases where there are very few departures, or deviating journey patterns, or departure times.