Entur collects data for all Public Transport in Norway and makes this available as open services for journey planning and as open data. It is required by law that data for all “traditional” public transport is sent to Entur and this is already fully implemented today. As the Norwegian public transport eco-system develops, new modes become increasingly important and Entur will continue its role as a national access point for all modes of personal travel.
There is no legislation in place in Norway that requires mobility operators to provide this data to Entur, however, it is expected this will be a requirement in the future and we will start to collect this data on a voluntary basis. This document will describe requirements Entur will put on mobility operators for integrating their services in Enturs national platform.
Expecting a great number of different mobility operators Entur will require that the exchange of data happen through standard formats to ensure common and predictable functionality and being able to scale across many parties.
Entur expects all mobility feeds for e-scooters, city bikes and carsharing services to be shared through General Bike Share Service v2.1 (GBFS)
Expected data
The GBFS specification defines required fields in the JSON files. In addition to these required fields, Entur will have additional requirements on certain data in order to provide useful and consistent data to end-users across multiple mobility operators.
Separation of data
When gathering data across many operators separation of data is a key factor for success. To ensure uniqueness on all ID’s, data provided in the GFBS feeds need to follow a set ID structure adhering to the same convention as all other public transport data in Norway.
All IDs exchanged with Entur must follow the convention of Codespace
+ ObjectType
+ Technical ID
combined into a single String
separated by :
<Codespace>:<ObjectType>:<Technical ID> eg. e-scooter from Lime "YLI:Scooter:PKDVWMOCKA2OZ"
A three-letter combination, or codespace, is defined by Entur for each data provider. This codespace definition remains unique for each specific data provider and can be used to identify data after being merged into the national dataset.
The primary purpose of this ID conventions is to guarantee uniqueness for all ID’s in Enturs National Access Point (NAP) for public transport and mobility data. The full ID should always be handled as a String
in any implementation.
follows Transmodel to show what data object the id belong to.
Technical ID:
The technical ID has no specific requirements other than that it has to be unique within the dataset. It is commonly the ID from the source data.
Data for several geographic regions (i.e. cities) should be delivered in separate feeds.
Data for different vehicle types may be delivered in the same GBFS feed. Data providers should always specify which vehicle types are supported by the system in vehicle_types.json
Minimum requirements
Entur aims to support the full scope of data exchanged through GBFS v2.1 and expects mobility operators to exchange the richest data possible. However, Entur will require a minimum amount of data in order to integrate feeds into the national mobility access point.
The following files with their required fields are the minimum requirements:
File | Comment |
gbfs.json | |
system_information.json | |
vehicle_types.json | |
station_information.json | Only for dock-based systems |
station_status.json | Only for dock-based systems |
free_bike_status.json | Optional for dock-based system |
system_pricing_plans.json |
Exchange of data
Entur will pull data from all providers at a minimum of 60 seconds interval.
Use and redistribution of data
All data exchanged with Entur will be distributed as open data under the NLOD-license. Read more about this on developer.entur.org.
Data will be exposed through 3 different services:
Open GBFS-feeds for third parties to consume - https://api.entur.io/mobility/v2/gbfs/
Open API for direct integration with consumer-clients (work in progress)
Open JourneyPlanner API as an integrated part of a TripPattern including mobility services - https://developer.entur.org/pages-journeyplanner-journeyplanner (work in progress)