Displaying brand or altered operator
Branding expands the presentation possibilities at all levels of the time table data. At the top level (Authority/Operator), Brandin can override which company information is displayed to the customer. This should not be used to separate routesper Authority - then additionalNetwork must be used.
Modeling for alternative operator information
All routes owned by the county municipality shall have the county municipality or the current administrative company as the Authority. Line data that is only delivered by the county miunicipality on behalf of other operators, has (normally) its own Authority within the data set's Codespace. This means in practice that the customer is informed that the Authority is responsible for the route, for example. management and ticketing (note that customer service / contact information regardless of this is obtained from CustomerServiceContactDetails for the current Operator).
If on some routes you want to display a different coimpanu information than what is stated in the Authority, you must use Branding. This is added by the following model:
By default, a Line points to an Authority (via Network) and an Operator. By also pointing to a Branding one can indicate that another information should be used instead.
The entire XML sample file is located on the project's GitHub repository under
Each Branding must be defined under ResourceFrame (as aTypeOfValue), with the minimum Name to be overruled.
<typesOfValue> <Branding version="1" id="SOF:Branding:1"> <Name>Firda Billag</Name> <Url></Url> </Branding> <Branding version="1" id="SOF:Branding:2"> <Name>Nettbuss Sogndal</Name> <Url></Url> </Branding> </typesOfValue>
The referance element BrandingRef must be entered for the object where the "brand name" is to be overruled.
Branding of Line
(forenklet eksempel)
<Line version="1" id="SOF:Line:1"> <BrandingRef version="1" ref="SOF:Branding:1"/> <Name>Sogndal-Kaupanger kai</Name> <TransportMode>bus</TransportMode> <TransportSubmode> <BusSubmode>localBus</BusSubmode> </TransportSubmode> </Line>
Branding av ServiceJourney
(simpliefied example)
<ServiceJourney version="1" id="SOF:ServiceJourney:1"> <BrandingRef version="1" ref="SOF:Branding:2"/> <Name>Sogndal-Kaupanger kai</Name> <TransportMode>bus</TransportMode> <TransportSubmode> <BusSubmode>localBus</BusSubmode> </TransportSubmode> </ServiceJourney>