This page is currently a work in progress and not yet included in the Nordic NeTEx Profile
Current version for fares is: v0.9 (last changed )
This document is part of the Norwegian NeTEx Profile and describes data elements for the exchange of product and fare related information via the NeTEx format.
Please note the fare/sales-transaction parts of the profile describes data object for managing and exchanging fare structures, access rights, fare products, pricing, sales management/services, fare validation and consumption, as well as presentation of fare information to the traveling public. It does not, however, describe network or time-related concepts, such as topology, date objects or departure times, as these are described in their respective profile documents stops, network and timetable.
Fare components
A geographical interval specifying access rights for the FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENTs within the range of this interval: “20-5 km”, “4-6 zones”, etc.
GeographicalUnit < FareUnit < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Distance | xsd:nonNegativeIntegerpric | 0: 1 | If distance based unit, length of unit |
element | prices | 0: * | Prices associated with GEOGRAPHICALUNIT |
A geographical interval specifying access rights for the FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENTs within the range of this interval: “20-5 km”, “4-6 zones”, etc.
GeographicalInterval < FareStructureFactor < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | StartGeographicalValue | xsd:decimal | 0: 1 | Start value for GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVAL |
element | EndGeographicalValue | xsd:decimal | 0: 1 | End value for GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVAL |
element | NumberOfUnits | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Quantity of units in GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVAL |
element | IntervalType | IntervalTypeEnum | 0: 1 | Classification of interval type Allowed values:
element | prices | 0: * | Prices for GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVAL |
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
GeographicalStructureFactor < FareStructureFactor < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | DistanceMatrixElementRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT | |
element | GeographicalIntervalRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVAL | |
element | GeographicalUnitRef | 0: 1 | Reference to GEOGRAPHICAL UNIT | |
element | NumberOfUnits | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Quantity of units. |
element | AmountFactor | xsd:decimal | 0: 1 | Arbitrary amount factor associated with Factor |
A time-based interval specifying access rights for the FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENTs within the range of this interval: “0-1 hours,” “1-3 days”, etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
TimeInterval < FareInterval < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | StartTime | xsd:time | 0: 1 | Start time of interval |
element | EndTime | xsd:time | 0: 1 | End time of interval |
element | Duration | xsd:duration | 1: 1 | Duration for the TimeInterval |
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
QualityStructureFactor < FareStructureFactor < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | ||||
element | ||||
element | prices | 0: * | Price for QUALITY STRUCTURE FACTOR. |
A named set of parameters defining a period of travel with a given PRICE, for example; “peak”, “off-peak”, “super off-peak”, etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FareDemandFactor < QualityStructureFactor < FareStructureFactor < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | FareDemandType | FareDemandTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | TIME DEMAND TYPE corresponding to FARE DEMAND FACTOR. Allowed values:
element | TimeDemandTypeRef | TimeDemandTypeRef | 0: 1 | Reference to TIME DEMAND TYPE corresponding to the FARE DEMAND FACTOR. |
element | StopUseConstraint | StopUseConstraintEnumeration | 0: 1 | Nature of constraint on uses of stop. Allowed values:
element | startTimesAtStopPoints | StartTimeAtStopPoint [INSERT LINK] | 0: * | Start times at SCHEDULED STOP POINTs for FARE DEMAND TYPE. |
A time at which a fare time band (time band peak, off peak) is deemed to begin for trips starting at a particular SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
StartTimeAtStopPoint < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | ScheduledStopPointRef | ScheduledStopPointRef | 1: 1 | SCHEDULED STOP POINT at which time band start applies. |
element | StartTime | 0: 1 | Time at which time band starts at referenced SCHEDULED STOP POINT. | |
element | EndTime | 0: 1 | Time at which time band ends at referenced SCHEDULED STOP POINT. | |
element | DayOffset | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Day offset of end time from start time. (Zero denotes same day.) |
A cell of an origin-destination matrix for TARIFF ZONEs or STOP POINTs, expressing a fare distance for the corresponding trip: value in km, number of fare units etc.
Describes point to point or zone to zone fares, representing the fare between an origin and a destination pair, including its different routing constraint.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
DistanceMatrixElement < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Distance | DistanceType | 0: 1 | Distance between origin and destination of a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT |
element | IsDirect | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether journey is direct or requires changes |
element | InverseAllowed | element | 0: 1 | Whether an inverse element in the opposite direction with the same prices may be assumed – optimisation to reduce data volumes |
(choice) element | StartStopPointRef | 1: 1 | Start SCHEDULED STOP POINT at which a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT begins. | |
StartTariffZoneRef | Start TARIFF ZONE at which a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT begins | |||
| ||
(choice) element | EndStopPointRef | 1: 1 | End SCHEDULED STOP POINT at which a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT ends | |
EndTariffZoneRef | Final TARIFF ZONE at which a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT ends | |||
| ||
element | prices | 0: 1 | A set of all possible price features of a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT: default total price etc. |
Controllable elements
A sequence or set of CONTROLLABLE ELEMENTs to which rules for limitation of access rights and calculation of prices (fare structure) are applied.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FareStructureElement < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | TariffBasis | TariffBasisEnumeration | 0: 1 | TARIFF BASIS to be used for the element Allowed values:
(choice) element | validityParameterAssignments | 1: * | VALIDITY (i.e. GENERIC) PARAMETER ASSIGNMENTs for an element | |
fareStructureElementsInSequence | Use of FARESTRUCTURE ELEMENTs in a particular sequence | |||
element | prices | 0: * | A set of all possible price features of a FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc. |
A FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT as a part of a VALIDABLE ELEMENT, including its possible order in the sequence of FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENTs forming that VALIDABLE ELEMENT, and its possible quantitative limitation.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FareStructureElementInSequence < FareElementInSequence < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | FareStructureElementRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT | |
We do currently not want to allow "backwards" referencing | |
Should be assigned in the referred GenericParameterAssignment(s), NOT contained as part of the sequence |
An ACCESS RIGHT PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT relating a fare collection parameter to a theoretical FARE PRODUCT (or one of its components) or a SALES OFFER PACKAGE.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ValidityParameterAssignment < GroupOfEntities < DataManagedObject | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | GenericParameterAssignment | 0: 1 | A VALIDITY PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT specifying generic access rights for a class of products (e.g. a time band limit - 7 to 10 a.m. - for trips made with a student pass). | |
| Reference to a QUALITY STRUCTURE FACTOR to which the ACCESS RIGHT PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT applies. Trolig ikke relevant, eneste strukturerte element det tilfører er "prices" (QualityFactorPrice). Se QualityStructureFactor – Model Element UsageParameter er sannsynligvis mer relevant å bruke til dette (tror det foreløpig kun finnes overlappende use-case) |
Legg inn definisjoner for alle TypeOfAccessRightAssignmentRef som er i bruk
A VALIDITY PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT specifying generic access rights for a class of products. May include alternatives from which a purchaser selects.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
GenericParameterAssignment < ValidityParameterAssignment < AccessRightParameterAssignment < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | TypeOfAccessRightAssignmentRef | TypeOfAccessRightAssignmentRef | 0: 1 | Classification of ACCESS RIGHT PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT |
element | LimitationGroupingType | LogicalOperationEnumeration | 0: 1 | Logical operator for combining USAGE PARAMETERs elements. The default is ‘AND’. ‘OR’ and ‘XOR’ should only be used if parameters are all of the same type Allowed values:
element | limitations | 1: * | Limitations (i.e. limitation of use) for the assignment | |
element | ValidityParameterAssignmentType | RelativeOperatorEnumeration | 0: 1 | Comparison operator for matching validity parameter values Allowed values:
element | ValidityParameterGroupingType | LogicalOperationEnumeration | 0: 1 | Logical operator for combining network validity parameters, e.g. ‘AND’ / ‘OR’ / ‘NOT’ / ‘XOR’ ‘OR’ and ‘XOR’ should only be used if parameters are all of the same type Allowed values:
element | ValidityParameterSetSelectionType | SetOperatorEnumeration | 0: 1 | Where one or more parameter is a group containing multiple elements, (GROUP OF xxx), set operator for distinguishing between whole set and item interpretation of elements which are sets of elements I.e. only to be used in relation to GroupOf… parameters, not to evaluate combinations of singular parameters Allowed values:
element | temporalValidityParameters | TemporalValidityParameter Not yet defined allowed validity parameters See proposal (TEMPORARY - Unused NeTEx Fares (Fare and SalesTransaction frames) data objects) and NeTEx part 3 part " Validity Parameters" (page 200->) | 1: * | Temporal validity parameters for the assignment (e.g. OperatingDay) |
element | validityParameters | ValidityParameter Not yet defined allowed validity parameters See proposal (TEMPORARY - Unused NeTEx Fares (Fare and SalesTransaction frames) data objects) and NeTEx part 3 part " Validity Parameters" (page 200->) | 1: * | Validity parameters for the assignment (e.g. ServiceFacilities) |
element | TimeIntervalRef | 0: 1 | References to TIME INTERVALS pertaining to FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT | |
element | GeographicalIntervalRef | 0: 1 | References to GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVALS pertaining to FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT | |
element | QualityStructureFactorRef | 0: 1 | References to QUALITY STRUCTURE FACTORs pertaining to FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT | |
element | IncludesGroupingType | LogicalOperationEnumeration | 0: 1 | Logical operator for combining included elements, i.e. nesting of the included GenericParameterAssignments. The default is ‘OR’. ‘OR’ and ‘XOR’ should only be used if parameters are all of the same type Allowed values:
element | includes | 0: * | A list of VALIDITY PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT without ID constraint used only in the given context specifying practical parameters during a TRAVEL GenericATION, within a given fare structure (e.g. the origin or destination zone in a zone-counting system) |
A sequence or set of FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENTs, grouped together to be validated in one go.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ValidableElement < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | fareStructureElements | 1: * | FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENTs making up VALIDABLE ELEMENT. | |
element | prices | 0: * | A set of all possible price features of a FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc. |
Temporal Validity parameters for the assignment.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
TemporalValidityParameters | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | DayTypeRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a DAY TYPE | |
element | OperatingDayRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a OPERATING DAY | |
(choice) element | ValidityConditionRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a VALIDITY CONDITION | |
AvailabilityConditionRef | Reference to a AVAILABILITY CONDITION |
Validity parameters for the assignment.
NB: Different from most NeTEx reference strings, the AllAuthoritiesRef and AllOperatorsRef references have a fixed value (e.g. "All")
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ValidityParameters | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
(choice) element | ValidityConditionRef | ValidityConditionRef | 0: * | Reference to a VALIDITY CONDITION |
AvailabilityConditionRef | AvailabilityConditionRef | Reference to a AVAILABILITY CONDITION | ||
DistributionChannelRef | DistributionChannelRef | Reference to a DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL | ||
GroupOfDistributionChannelsRef | GroupOfDistributionChannelsRef | Reference to a GROUP OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS | ||
NetworkRef | NetworkRef | Reference to a NETWORK | ||
LineRef | LineRef | Reference to a LINE | ||
ServiceJourneyRef | ServiceJourneyRef | Reference to a SERVICE JOURNEY | ||
StopPlaceRef | StopPlaceRef | Reference to a STOP PLACE | ||
TypeOfTravelDocumentRef | TypeOfTravelDocumentRef | Reference to a TYPE OF TRAVEL DOCUMENT | ||
FareZoneRef | FareZoneRef | Reference to a FARE ZONE Dobbelsjekk: Bruker PoP konsekvent FARE zone eller TARIFF zone!? (dette må avspeiles her) | ||
ClassOfUseRef | ClassOfUseRef | Reference to a CLASS OF USE | ||
AuthorityRef | AuthorityRef | Reference to a AUTHORITY | ||
OperatorRef | OperatorRef | Reference to a OPERATOR | ||
AllAuthoritiesRef | AllAuthoritiesRef | Always "All" | ||
AllOperatorsRef | AllOperatorsRef | Always "All" | ||
element | VehicleModes | VehicleModeEnumeration | 0: * | List of relevant VEHICLE MODES (one or more can be entered within the element, or as separate elements) Allowed values:
element | TransportSubmode | xsd:boolean | 0: * | A submode of a Public Transport MODE See framework for maintained list of supported modes and their allowed submode values Each TransportSubmode must consist of only one submode element and its submode value (cardinality 1: 1) Example: However, multiple TransportSubmode container elements can be added in the same ValidityParameter |
Usage Parameters
Abstract parameter type specifying the use of a SALES OFFER PACKAGE or a FARE PRODUCT.
UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | prices | UsageParameterPriceRef | 0: * | Prices associated with USAGE PARAMETER |
The social profile of a passenger, based on age group, education, profession, social status, sex etc., often used for allowing discounts: 18-40 years old, graduates, drivers, unemployed, women etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
UserProfile < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
TypeOfConcession defineres som et ValueSet (i ResourceFrame) for å gruppere/kategorisere passasjerer som kvalifiserer til rabatt, men datatypen inneholder i praksis kun fritekst-beskrivelser og er lite egnet for kategorisering. Gir upresis klassifisering av data og anbefales derfor ikke å bruke. |
element | UserType | UserTypeEnumeration | 1: 1 | User types Allowed values:
element | MinimumAge | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Minimum age to be eligible for profile |
element | MaximumAge | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Maximum age to be eligible for profile |
element | ProofRequired | ProofOfIdentityEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of proof required Allowed values:
element | DiscountBasis | DiscountBasisEnumeration | 0: 1 | Discount for this profile. Allowed values:
element | CompanionProfileRef | CompanionProfileRef | 0: 1 | COMPANION PROFILEs describing users who may travel with user |
A time limitation for validity of a FARE PRODUCT or a SALES OFFER PACKAGE. It may be composed of a standard duration (e.g. 3 days, 1 month) and/or fixed start/end dates and times.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
UsageValidityPeriod < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element |
ValidityPeriodType | UsageValidityTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of usage validity Period Allowed values (NB: XSD does not match spec, hence this list complies to XSD):
element | UsageTrigger | UsageTriggerEnumeration | 0: 1 | Trigger event that starts validity period Allowed values:
element | UsageEnd | UsageEndEnumeration | 0: 1 | Classification of when the end of the Usage validity period occurs. May be a specified period (Standard Duration) or an event, e.g. end of trip Allowed values:
(choice) element | StandardDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration of VALIDITY PERIOD after departure. or validation |
SteppedDuration | SteppedDuration | 0: 1 | Duration of VALIDITY PERIOD expressed by steps traveled | |
element | ActivationMeans | ActivationMeansEnumeration | 0: 1 | Means of activating start of period Allowed values:
element | StartDate | xsd:date | 0: 1 | Start date of USAGE VALIDITY PERIOD, use to specify a fixed period |
element | StartTime | xsd:time | 0: 1 | Start time of USAGE VALIDITY PERIOD, use to specify a fixed period |
element | EndDate | xsd:date | 0: 1 | End Date of USAGE VALIDITY PERIOD, use to specify a fixed period |
element | EndTime | xsd:time | 0: 1 | End time of USAGE VALIDITY PERIOD, use to specify a fixed period |
element | UsageStartConstraintType | UsageStartConstraintTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Whether start type of trip or pass is variable or fixed Default is variable. Allowed values:
element | startOnlyOn | DayTypeRef | 0: * | todo - blir dette riktig? If UsageStartConstraintType is "fixed", then allowed days to start on can be indicated by a DAY TYPE, for example Monday, 1st of Month, Start of Quarter, etc. (Applies mainly to Passes.) |
element | FixedStartWindow | FixedStartWindow | 0: 1 | If UsageStartConstraintType is "fixedWindow" , then can specify a window relative to booked train for alternative services that may be used |
Duration of VALIDITY PERIOD expressed by steps traveled
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
SteppedDuration | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | InitialStepDuration | xsd:duration | 1 | Duration of first step |
element | SubsequentStepsDuration | xsd:duration | 1 | Duration of subsequent steps |
element | MaximumDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Maximum duration (upper limit for total duration) |
element | StepUnit | StepLimitUnitEnumeration | 1 | Unit in which steps are counted Allowed values for StepLimitUnitEnumeration:
Conditions governing temporary suspension of a FARE PRODUCT, (i.e. period pass or subscription).
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Suspending < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | SuspensionPolicy | SuspensionPolicyListOfEnumerations | 0: 1 | Policies for suspending term of product Allowed values (multiple can be used simultaneously):
element | QualificationPeriod | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Minimum duration that shall have occurred before a suspension is allowed |
element | MinimumSuspensionPeriod | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Minimum duration allowed for a suspension |
element | MaximumSuspensionPeriod | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Maximum duration allowed for a suspension |
element | MaximumNumberOfSuspensionsPerTerm | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | 0: 1 | Maximum number of suspensions for the related term |
Properties relating to single or return trip use of an access right.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
RoundTrip < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | TripType | RoundTripTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of trip Allowed values:
element | DoubleSingleFare | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether fare for return trip is simply double the single fare |
element | IsRequired | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether return trip is required |
The limits of usage frequency for a FARE PRODUCT (or one of its components) or a SALES OFFER PACKAGE during a specific VALIDITY PERIOD. There may be different tariffs depending on how often the right is consumed during the period.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FrequencyOfUse < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | FrequencyOfUseType | FrequencyOfUseTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of Frequency of Use Allowed values:
element | MinimalFrequency | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | |
element | MaximalFrequency | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Duration of VALIDITY PERIOD after departure. or validation |
Limitations on making changes within a trip.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Interchanging < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | CanInterchange | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether an interchange can be made |
element | FromMode | VehicleModeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Mode from which interchange is made Allowed values:
element | ToMode | VehicleModeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Mode to which interchange is made Allowed values:
element | MaximumNumberOfInterchanges | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Maximum number of interhanges between SERVICE JOURNEYs that can be made in a single TRIP |
element | MaximumTimeToMakeATransfer | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Maximum time to transfer between SERVICE JOURNEYs in a single TRIP |
element | CanBreakJourney | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the journey can be broken at an interchange point |
element | CrossBorder | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether interchanging crosses a border |
Period in which the product can be purchased.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
LuggageAllowance < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | BaggageUseType | BaggageUseTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of Baggage use Allowed values:
element | BaggageType | BaggageTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of Baggage described by allowance Allowed values:
element | LuggageAllowanceType | LuggageAllowanceTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Classification of allowance type Allowed values:
element | MaximumNumberItems | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | 0: 1 | Number of items allowed for this allowance |
element (x4, possibly) | Relevant to add?
| type | 0: 1 | Maximum bag ... |
element | TotalWeight | xsd:decimal | 0: 1 | Total maximum weight limit (in kilograms) for this allowance |
element | LuggageChargingBasis | LuggageChargingBasisEnumeration | 0: 1 | Basis on which luggage is charged Allowed values:
Period in which the product can be purchased.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
PurchaseWindow < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | PurchaseAction | PurchaseActionEnumeration | 1: 1 | Action governed by Purchase Window Allowed values:
element | PurchaseWhen | PurchaseWhenEnumeration | 1: 1 | When purchase may be made Allowed values:
element | LatestTime | xsd:time | 0: 1 | Latest time on specified last day when ticket can be purchased |
element | MinimumPeriodBeforeDeparture | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Minimum duration before departure that ticket may be purchased |
element | MaximumPeriodBeforeDeparture | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Maximum duration before departure that ticket may be purchased |
element | PurchaseMoment | PurchaseMomentListOfEnumerations | Permitted moments of purchase Allowed values (multiple can be used simultaneously):
Indicating whether the access right requires reservation and any limitations on making and changing reservations.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Reserving < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | BookingArrangements | 0: 1 | Booking Arrangements for cancellations | |
See NeTEx part 3 chapter Reserving – Model Element / Table 189 – Reserving – Element if further elements e.g. related to reservation fees are relevant |
Requirements for cancelling a booking.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Cancelling < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | BookingArrangements | 0: 1 | Booking Arrangements for cancellations |
Policy regarding different aspects of charging such as credit limits.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ChargingPolicy < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | CreditPolicy | TravelCreditPolicyEnumeration | 0: 1 | Policy for traveling on credit Allowed values:
element | BillingPolicy | TravelBillingPolicyEnumeration | 0: 1 | Policy for billing frequency Allowed values:
Policy regarding different aspects of penalty charges, for example repeated entry at the same station, no ticket etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
PenaltyPolicy < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | PenaltyPolicyType | PenaltyPolicyTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Classification of Penalty Policy Allowed values:
element | PenaltyAction (forslag til NeTEx utvidelse) | PenaltyActionEnumeration (forslag til NeTEx utvidelse, dvs inkl ny enumeration) | 1: 1 | Classification of Penalty Action Allowed values:
element | PaymentMethod (forslag til NeTEx utvidelse, bør implementeres som liste slik at det fungerer å legge inn flere betalingsalternativer per policy) | PaymentMethodListOfEnumerations | 0: 1 | Available penalty payment methods Allowed values (forløpig listet opp alle som eksisterer for objektet):
Parameters governing subscription to a product allowing payment at regular intervals.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Subscribing < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | SubscriptionTermType | SubscriptionTermTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Types of subscription term allowed Allowed values:
element | MinimumSubscriptionPeriod | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Minimum duration allowed for a subscription |
element | MaximumSubscriptionPeriod | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Maximum duration allowed for a subscription |
element | SubscriptionRenewalPolicy | SubscriptionRenewalPolicyEnumeration | 0: 1 | Policy on renewing subscription Allowed values:
element | possibleInstallmentIntervals | TimeIntervalRef | 0: * | Allowed billing Intervals for payment in instalment |
element | InstallmentPaymentMethods | PaymentMethodListOfEnumerations | 0: 1 | Allowed means of payment of installations as standard value Allowed values (multiple can be used simultaneously):
The number and characteristics of persons entitled to travel in addition to the holder of an access right.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
GroupTicket < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | MinimumNumberOfPersons | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Minimum number of persons overall allowed on ticket |
element | MaximumNumberOfPersons | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Maximum number of persons overall allowed on ticket |
element | companionProfiles | CompanionProfileRef | 0: * | The number and characteristics of a category of users allowed on the ticket |
element | PricingBasis | PricingBasisEnumeration | 0: 1 | Discount for this profile. Allowed values:
element | JointCheckIn | GroupCheckInEnumeration | 0: 1 | Whether the group must check in together Allowed values:
element | GroupBookingFacility | GroupBookingEnumeration | 0: 1 | Classification of GROUP FACILITY type (TPEG pti23) Allowed values:
The COMPANION PROFILE specifies the number and characteristics of persons entitled to travel in addition to the holder of an access right, for example children, wheelchair carer, etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
CompanionProfile < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | CompanionRelationshipType | CompanionRelationshipEnumeration | 1: 1 | Required Relationship of companion to eligible user Allowed values:
element | MinimumNumberOfPersons | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Minimum number of persons overall allowed of this type |
element | MaximumNumberOfPersons | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Maximum number of persons overall allowed of this type |
element | DiscountBasis | DiscountBasisEnumeration | 0: 1 | Nature of discount for this type of user Allowed values:
A category of users depending on their commercial relations with the operator (frequency of use, amount of purchase etc.), often used for allowing discounts.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
CommercialProfile < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
CommercialProfile inherits from UsageParameter without introducing new elements or attributes. |
The number and characteristics of persons entitled to use the public transport service instead of the original customer.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Transferability < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | CanTransfer | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether ticket can be transferred to someone else |
element | MaximumNumberOfNamedTransferees | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | 0: 1 | Where a product can be used by a limited number of named users, maximum number of users allowed. |
element | HasTransferFee | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a fee for a refund or exchange |
element | SharedUsage | ResellWhenEnumeration | 0: 1 | Indicates the nature of the permitted sharing, if any, of products that can be shared, e.g. Trips from a multi-trip carnet Allowed values:
Common resale conditions (i.e. for exchange or refund) attaching to the product.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Reselling < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Allowed | ResellTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Whether exchange or refund is allowed Allowed values:
element | UnusedTicketsOnly | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether it is possible to exchange partially used tickets |
element | HasFee | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a fee for a refund or exchange |
element | ExchangeableFromDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration to start of period before (negative) or after (positive) the trigger point (i.e. either Start Of Validity or First Use) or that ticket may be exchanged or refunded |
element | ExchangeableUntilDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration to end of period before (negative) or after (positive) the trigger point (i.e. either Start Of Validity or First Use) that ticket may be exchanged or refunded |
element | ResellWhen | ResellWhenEnumeration | 0: 1 | Event marking when the exchangeable status of the ticket changes Allowed values (NB: XSD does not match spec, hence this list complies to XSD):
Whether and how the product may be refunded.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Refunding < Reselling < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Allowed | ResellTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Whether exchange or refund is allowed Allowed values:
element | CanChangeClass | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether user can change class |
element | UnusedTicketsOnly | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether it is possible to exchange partially used tickets |
element | ResellWhen | ResellWhenEnumeration | 0: 1 | Event marking when the is exchangable status of the ticket changes Allowed values:
Må revideres - NB: "afterSale" finnes (foreløpig) ikke i enum'en |
element | ExchangableFromDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration to start of period before (negative) or after (positive) the trigger point (i.e. either Start of Validity or First Use ) or that ticket |
element | ExchangableUntilDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration to end of period before (negative) or after (positive) the trigger point (i.e. either Start of Validity or First Use ) or that ticket |
element | HasFee | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a feed for reselling |
element | RefundBasis | PerBasisEnumeration | 0: 1 | Basis for which refund is given AllowedValues:
element | RefundType | RefundTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of Refund Allowed values:
NB: Kun mulig å angi én (mulig workaround å definere redundante Refund-objekter) |
element | PaymentMethod | PaymentMethodListOfEnumerations | 0: 1 | Payment methods allowed to make refund Allowed values:
Må revideres! NB: Kun mulig å angi én (noen dekker riktignok flere case... mulig workaround å definere redundante Refund-objekter) |
Whether and how access rights may be exchanged for other access rights.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Exchanging < Reselling < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Allowed | ResellTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Whether exchange or refund is allowed Allowed values:
element | UnusedTicketsOnly | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether it is possible to exchange partially used tickets |
element | HasFee | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a fee for a refund or exchange |
element | ExchangeableFromDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration to start of period before (negative) or after (positive) the trigger point (i.e. either Start Of Validity or First Use) or that ticket may be exchanged or refunded |
element | ExchangeableUntilDuration | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Duration to end of period before (negative) or after (positive) the trigger point (i.e. either Start Of Validity or First Use) that ticket may be exchanged or refunded |
element | ResellWhen | ResellWhenEnumeration | 0: 1 | Event marking when the exchangeable status of the ticket changes Allowed values (NB: XSD does not match spec, hence this list complies to XSD):
element | NumberOfExchangesAllowed | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Whether it is possible to exchange partially used tickets |
element | ToFareClass | FareClassEnumeration | 0: 1 | Fare class to which can be exchanged. Allowed values:
element | ExchangeableTo | ExchangableToEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of exchange allowed. The default is ‘anyProduct’, i.e. to any other fare. Allowed values:
Whether and how access rights may be replaced if lost or stolen.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Replacing < Reselling < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Allowed | ResellTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Whether exchange or refund is allowed Allowed values:
element | UnusedTicketsOnly | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether it is possible to exchange partially used tickets |
element | HasFee | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a fee for a refund or exchange |
Common rules describing reverting of activations and markings of CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE ELEMENT ACCESS (“tickets”) in case the traveller, conductor og customer service representative or others accidentially activates/validates/uses the wrong FARE CONTRACT (“ticket”).
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Reverting < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | TypeOfResponsibilityRoleRef | TypeOfResponsibilityRoleRef | 1: 1 | Type of role required of the part initiating the reverting (ie self service, customer service, conductor etc) Must refer to a valid (i.e. predefined) ResponsibilityRole. |
element | MinimumTimeAfterUse | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Minimum time after erranous activation/use of the ticket the reverting is allowed |
element | MaximumTimeAfterUse | xsd:duration | 0: 1 | Maximum time after erranous activation/use of the ticket the reverting is allowed |
element | AllowedAfterControl | xsd:boolean | 1: 1 | Whether ticket can be reverted after ticket has been exposed to ticket control |
EntitlementGiven (todo)
EntitlementRequired (todo)
OnboardValidity (todo)
Policy regarding different aspects of security, for example required required security level for account based ticketing.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
SecurityPolicy < UsageParameter < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | MinimumAccountSecurityLevel | xsd:nonPositiveInteger | 1: 1 | Required (minimum) sequrity level of any account that should hold a FareContract representing this product. The value is specified as a negative number, 0 is the highest level of security (most secure). |
Fare Product
Abstract type describing an immaterial marketable element (access rights, discount rights etc).
ServiceAccessRight < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
element | PrivateCode | xsd:normalizedString | 0: 1 | Identifier of SERVICE ACCESS RIGHT |
element | InfoUrl | xsd:anyURI | 0: 1 | Link for product information |
Abstract type describing an immaterial marketable element (access rights, discount rights etc), specific to a CHARGING MOMENT.
FareProduct < ServiceAccessRight < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Type | Cardinality | Description |
element | ChargingMomentRef | FareProductRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a CHARGING MOMENT for product |
element | ConditionSummary | ConditionSummary [INSERT LINK] | 0: 1 | Summary description of conditions on FARE PRODUCT |
element | OperatorRef | OperatorRef | 0: 1 | Reference to OPERATOR to which ACCESS RIGHT PARAMETER is assigned |
element | FareProductRef | FareProductRef | 0: 1 | Another FARE PRODUCT which this product extends. Will assume all properties of base product unless specifically overridden. |
element | validityParameterAssignments | 0: 1 | Type for a list of VALIDITY PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT. | |
se ValidityParameterAssignment (må ta stilling til om objektene i denne også skal være internt i objektet, eller kun wrappet) |
Summary description of PRODUCT.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ConditionSummary | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | FareStructureType | FareStructureTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Restrictions on FARE STRUCTURE TYPE. Allowed values:
element | TariffBasis | TariffBasisEnumeration | 0: 1 | Basis used to compute fares. Allowed values:
element | HasNotices | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product has NOTICEs associated with it. |
element | ProvidesCard | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product requires a card to fulfil it. |
element | IsPersonal | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product is personaised or anonymous. |
element | RequiresPhoto | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product requires a photo. |
element | MustCarry | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product requires the card to be carried by the user. |
element | RequiresAccount | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product requires the user to register for an account for billing. |
element | IsSupplement | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product is a supplement to another product. |
element | RequiresEntitlement | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product requires ENTITLEMENT REQUIRED other products. |
element | GivesEntitlement | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product grants ENTITLEMENT REQUIRED other products. |
element | HasOperatorRestrictions | OperatorRestrictionsEnumeration | 0: 1 | Restictions on which OPERATOR's services can be used. Allowed values:
element | HasTravelTimeRestrictions | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there are restictions on which routes can be used. |
element | HasRouteRestrictions | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there are restictions on which routes can be used. |
element | TrainRestrictions | TrainRestrictionsEnumeration | 0: 1 | Restictions on which trains can be used. Allowed values:
element | HasZoneRestrictions | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there are restictions on which zones can be used. |
element | CanBreakJourney | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the journey can be interrupted by a stay at an intermediate station.ReturnTripsOnly |
element | ReturnTripsOnly | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the return trip must also be purchased. |
element | NightTrain | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the trip uses a night Train. |
element | CanChangeClass | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the class of usage can subsequently be changed on a ticket. |
element | IsRefundable | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the ticket can be refunded. |
element | IsExchangable | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the ticket can be exchanged. |
element | HasExchangeFee | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a charge for exchanges. |
element | HasDiscountedFares | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there are any types of discounted fare for the FARE PRODUCT. |
element | AllowAdditionalDiscounts | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product allows discounts to be compounded. |
element | AllowCompanionDiscounts | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product allows a companion discountt for eligible users. |
element | HasMinimumPrice | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether a minimum price applies to FARE PRODUCT. |
element | RequiresPositiveBalance | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product, e.g. when combined with other products on the same smart card, requires an overall balance for any product to work. |
element | HasPurchaseConditions | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product has purchase conditions. |
element | HasDynamicPricing | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is dynamic i.e. yield managed pricing for the product. |
element | RequiresReservation | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product requires a reservation. |
element | HasReservationFee | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a charge for reservations. |
element | HasQuota | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product has quotas. |
element | PenaltyIfWithoutTicket | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether there is a penalty for travelling without a ticket, i.e. tickets can not be bought on-board. |
element | AvailableOnSubscription | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the product is available on subscription. |
A FARE PRODUCT consisting of one or several VALIDABLE ELEMENTs, specific to a CHARGING MOMENT.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
PreassignedFareProduct < FareProduct < ServiceAccessRight < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | SupplementProductRef | 1: 1 | Reference to a SUPPLEMENT PRODUCT | |
element | accessRightsInProduct | 0: * | List ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT for this FARE PRODUCT | |
element | prices | 0: * | PRICEs for this FARE PRODUCT |
A VALIDABLE ELEMENT as a part of a PRE-ASSIGNED FARE PRODUCT, including its possible order in the set of all VALIDABLE ELEMENTs grouped together to define the access right assigned to that PREASSIGNED FARE PRODUCT.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
AccessRightInProduct < FareElementInSequence < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | ValidableElementRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a VALIDABLE ELEMENT for which access rights are specified | |
element | SupplementProductRef | 1: 1 | Reference to a SUPPLEMENT PRODUCT Preferably not used as an AccessRight, but rather as a SUPPLEMENT PRODUCT to the FARE PRODUCT itself. |
An additional FARE PRODUCT that may be used to describe additional purchases entitled by another product. A SUPPLEMENT PRODUCT is usually constrained by some or all of the parameters of the supplemented product, e.g. same service, same route, etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
SupplementProduct < PreassignedFareProduct < FareProduct < ServiceAccessRight < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | PreassignedFareProductRef | 1: 1 | Reference to base PRE ASSIGNED FARE PRODUCT OFFER for which this is a supplement Går kun an å referere ett FareProduct (dvs enten ett SupplementaryProduct eller en SalesDiscountRight). Se FareProductRelationGroup (netex_fareProduct_version.xsd) Det må ENTEN fikses, ellers må referansen gå tilbake for akkurat dette datasettet. (Hvilket umuliggjør gjenbruk.) | |
element | SupplementProductType | SupplementProductEnumeration | 1: 1 | Classification of SUPPLEMENT PRODUCT Allowed values:
A FARE PRODUCT that is marketed together with a Public Transport Fare Product.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ThirdPartyProduct < FareProduct < ServiceAccessRight < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | prices | 0: * | Capping FARE PRICEs for this rule | |
Må ta stilling til hva dette objektet skal inneholde | name | type | 0: x | description |
A FARE PRODUCT allowing a customer to benefit from discounts when purchasing SALES OFFER PACKAGEs.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
SaleDiscountRight < FareProduct < ServiceAccessRight < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | ProductType | SaleDiscountRightEnumeration | 1: 1 | SaleDiscountRightEnumeration Allowed values:
A specialisation of SALE DISCOUNT RIGHT where the discount is expressed as a capping limit for a given
time interval. For example, the London Oyster card fare, which charges for each journey at a reduced price until travel equivalent to a day pass has been consumed.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
CappedDiscountRight < SaleDiscountRight < FareProduct < ServiceAccessRight < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | cappingRules | 1: 1 | List of parameters setting a price cap on a product. |
A capping limit for a given time interval, where the capping is expressed by another product. For example, the London Oyster card fare, which charges for each journey at a reduced price until travel equivalent to a day pass for the mode of travel has been consumed. A CAPPING RULE is a PRICEABLE OBJECT and may have USAGE PARAMETERS such as a USAGE VALIDITY PERIOD to specify how long the capping period is and a CHARGING POLICY to specify rules about travelling under credit.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
CappingRule < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | prices | 0: * | Capping FARE PRICEs for this rule |
Sales Offer
A package to be sold as a whole, consisting of one or several FARE PRODUCTs materialised thanks to one or several TRAVEL DOCUMENTs. The FARE PRODUCTs may be either directly attached to the TRAVEL DOCUMENTs, or may be reloadable on the TRAVEL DOCUMENTs.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
SalesOfferPackage < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | PrivateCode | PrivateCodeType | 0: 1 | Alternative identifier of an entity. can be used to associate with legacy systems. |
element | ConditionSummary | ConditionSummary [INSERT LINK] | 0: 1 | Summary description of SALES OFFER PACKAGE properties |
| ||||
element |
element | distributionAssignments | 0: * | List of DISTRIBUTION ASSIGNMENTs for SALES OFFER PACKAGE Can be defined as separate object and referred, but may be more consistent to have embedded | |
element | RoundingRef | RoundingRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a ROUNDING |
element | prices | 0: * | List of SALES OFFER PACKAGE PRICEs associated with the SALES OFFER PACKAGE ELEMENT | |
element | elementConsumptionPolicies | ElementConsumptionPolicy [INSERT URL] | 0: * | List of CONSUMPTION UTLIISATION DEPENDENCIES in SALES OFFER PACKAGE |
element | salesOfferPackageElements | 0: * | List of SALES OFFER PACKAGE ELEMENTs | |
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
GroupOfSalesOfferPackages < GroupOfEntities < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | alternativeNames | 0: * | ALTERNATIVE NAMEs for GROUP of SALES OFFER PACKAGEs | |
element | PricingServiceRef | PricingServiceRef | 0: * | PRICING SERVICE to use to fetch prices dynamically |
element | PricingRuleRef | 0: * | Default PRICING RULE to use to derive prices from this element | |
element | priceGroups | PriceGroupRef | 0: * | PRICE GROUPs associated with this element |
(choice) element | fareTables | StandardFareTableRef | 0: * | List of FARE TABLEs associated with this element |
FareTableRef | ||||
element | SalesOfferPackageElements | SalesOfferPackageElement | 0: 1 | Common properties of SALES OFFER PACKAGE and GROUP OF SALES OFFER PACKAGES |
element | members | SalesOfferPackageRef | 1: * | References to members of GROUP of SALES OFFER PACKAGEs |
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ElementConsumptionPolicy < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | ConsumptionRequirementGroupingType | LogicalOperationEnumeration | 0: 1 | Logical operator for combining USAGE PARAMETERs elements. The default is ‘AND’. ‘OR’ and ‘XOR’ should only be used if parameters are all of the same type Allowed values:
element | consumptionRequirements | ConsumptionRequirement [INSERT LINK] | 0: * | A list of CONSUMPTION REQUIREMENTs defining which state a consumable element (i.e. a CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE ELEMENT or its ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT) must be in. |
element | ConsumptionTriggerType | ConsumptionTriggerTypeEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies whether the Consumptions must be triggered automatically or manually. Allowed values:
element | ElementConsumptionGroupingType | LogicalOperationEnumeration | 0: 1 | Logical operator for combining USAGE PARAMETERs elements. The default is ‘AND’. ‘OR’ and ‘XOR’ should only be used if parameters are all of the same type Allowed values:
element | elementConsumptions | ElementConsumption [INSERT LINK] | 0: * | A list of ELEMENT CONSUMPTION for specifying how which ELEMENT is to be consumed. |
element | crossConstraints | CrossContstraint [INSERT LINK] | 0: * | A list of ELEMENTS with CROSS CONSTRAINTs (i.e. constraints across multiple elements) |
element | MaximumNumberOfAccesses | MaximumNumberOfAccesses [INSERT LINK] | 0: 1 | Maximum number of ACCESSes for ELEMENT CONUMPTION POLICY |
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ConsumptionRequirement < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
(choice) element | ConsumptionRequirement | AccessRightInProductConsumptionRequirement [INSERT LINK] | 1: * | The definition of a ELEMENT CONSUMPTION POLICY defining which state a ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT must be in (recorded via CustomerPurchasePackageElementAccesses) |
CustomerPurchasePackageElementConsumptionRequirement [INSERT LINK] | The definition of a CONSUMPTION REQUIREMENT defining which state a CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE ELEMENT must be in (recorded via ElementAccesses) |
Type for an ELEMENT CONSUMPTION POLICY requirement in relation to an ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT (specified in AccessRightInProductConsumption)
AccessRightInProductConsumptionRequirement < ConsumptionRequirement < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | MarkedAs | MarkedAsEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the status for an ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT Allowed values:
element | MarkedAsTemporalValidity | MarkedAsTemporalValidityEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the temporal aspects of a CONSUMPTION REQUIREMENT Allowed values:
element | AccessRightInProductRef | AccessRightInProductRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the related ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT |
element | AccessNumber | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Access number status (value) for this specific requirement. |
Type for an ELEMENT CONSUMPTION POLICY requirement in relation to a CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE (recorded via CustomerPurchasePackageElementAccesses)
CustomerPurchasePackageElementConsumptionRequirement < ConsumptionRequirement < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | MarkedAs | MarkedAsEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the status for a CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE Allowed values:
element | MarkedAsTemporalValidity | MarkedAsTemporalValidityEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the temporal aspects of a CONSUMPTION REQUIREMENT Allowed values:
element | CustomerPurchasePackageElementRef | CustomerPurchasePackageElementRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the related CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE |
The definition of a CONSUMPTION specifying which ELEMENT and how it is to be processed
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
ElementConsumption < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
(choice) element | ConsumptionRequirement | AccessRightInProductConsumption [INSERT LINK] | 1: * | The definition of a CONSUMPTION UTILISATION defining which ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT that is to be processed |
CustomerPurchasePackageElementConsumptionRequirement [INSERT LINK] | The definition of a CONSUMPTION defining which CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE ELEMENT that is to be processed |
Type for an ELEMENT CONSUMPTION defining which and how an ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT is processed (consumed)
AccessRightInProductConsumption < ElementConsumption < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | FromMarkedAs | MarkedAsEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the from MarkedAs status for an ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT Allowed values:
element | ToMarkedAs | MarkedAsEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the to MarkedAs status for an ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT Allowed values:
element | AccessRightInProductRef | AccessRightInProductRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the related ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT |
element | AccessNumber | xsd:integer | 0: 1 | Access number (value) for this specific consumption |
element | specificationPolicyAssignmentInputs | PolicyAssignmentInput [INSERT LINK] | 0: 1 | Input for ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT specification policy assignment Proof-of-concept to be finalized before NeTEx Change Request |
Type for an ELEMENT CONSUMPTION defining which and how a CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE is processed (consumed)
CustomerPurchasePackageElementConsumption < ElementConsumption < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | FromMarkedAs | MarkedAsEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the from MarkedAs status for a CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE Allowed values:
element | ToMarkedAs | MarkedAsEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the to MarkedAs status for a CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE Allowed values:
element | CustomerPurchasePackageElementRef | CustomerPurchasePackageElementRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the related CUSTOMER PURCHASE PACKAGE |
Type for CROSS CONSTRAINT defining constraints for parameter selection across ELEMENTs
CrossConstraint < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Constraint | EntitlementConstraintStructure [INSERT LINK TO TABLE BELOW] | 1: 1 | Entitlement constraints related PRODUCT or OFFER. |
element | validityParameterAssignments | ValidityParameterAssignmentRef | 0: * | Reference to VALIDITY PARAMETER ASSIGNMENTs associated with the SALES OFFER PACKAGE ELEMENT |
EntitlementConstraintStructure | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | PeriodConstraint | SamePeriodEnumeration | 0: 1 | Period ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | OriginConstraint | SameStopEnumeration | 0: 1 | Origin stop ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | DestinationConstraint | SameStopEnumeration | 0: 1 | Destination stop ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | TariffZoneConstraint | SameZoneEnumeration | 0: 1 | Zone ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | RouteConstraint | SameRouteEnumeration | 0: 1 | Route ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | DirectionConstraint | SameRouteEnumeration | 0: 1 | Direction ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | OperatorConstraint | SameOperatorEnumeration | 0: 1 | Operator ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | TypeOfProductCategoryConstraint | SameTypeOfProductCategoryEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of Product category ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | ClassOfUseConstraint | SameClassOfUseEnumeration | 0: 1 | Class of use ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | TypeOfTravelDocumentConstraint | SameTypeOfTravelDocumentEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of Travel Document ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | JourneyConstraint | SameJourneyEnumeration | 0: 1 | Journey ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | UserConstraint | SameUserEnumeration | 0: 1 | User ENTITLEMENT CONSTRAINT Allowed values:
element | specificToProfiles | UserProfileRef | 0: * | Reference(s) to USER PROFILEs to which entitlement applies |
Type for maximum number of ACCESSes in ELEMENT CONUMPTION POLICY
MaximumNumberOfAccesses | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Type | MaximumNumberOfAccessesEnumeration | 1: 1 | Specifies the type of maximum access number Allowed values:
element | Value | xsd:positiveInteger | 0: 1 | Specifiying the maximum number of accessess Required value if Type = “limited” |
Abstract placeholder for input variants of variants for ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT specification policy assignments
Proof-of-concept to be finalized before NeTEx Change Request
PolicyAssignmentInput | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
(choice) element | AccessRightInProductSpecificationStartTimePolicyAssignmentInput | AccessRightInProductSpecificationStartTimePolicyAssignmentInput [INSERT LINK] | 1: * | Policy assignemtn input type for specifying a start time to an ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT |
TODO: Add further variants | not yet added to NeTEx | valg av avgang, sone osv |
Type for input to ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT specification policy assignment
Proof-of-concept to be finalized before NeTEx Change Request
PolicyAssignmentInput | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | AccessRightInProductRef | AccessRightInProductRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT for which to specify the start time policy |
element | GenericParameterAssignmentRef | GenericParameterAssignmentRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the GENERIC PARAMETER ASSIGNMENT which specifies the start time requirement |
element | RelativeTo | RelativeToEnumeration | 1: 1 | Relativivity to latest ELEMENT ACCESS for the referenced ACCESS RIGHT IN PRODUCT Allowed values:
element | TimeIntervalRef | TimeIntervalRef | 1: 1 | Reference to the relative time interval at which the assigned policy should take effect Default is after, i.e. the time interval must be prefixed with minus ('-') for policies taking effect before PolicyAssignmentInput occurs |
The assignment of a FARE PRODUCT to a TYPE OF TRAVEL DOCUMENT in order to define a SALES OFFER PACKAGE, realised as a fixed assignment (printing, magnetic storage etc.) or by the possibility for the FARE PRODUCT to be reloaded on the TYPE OF TRAVEL DOCUMENT.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
SalesOfferPackageElement < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | RequiresValidation | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether element requires validation before it can be used |
element | ConditionSummary | ConditionSummary [INSERT LINK] | 0: 1 | Summary description of SALES OFFER PACKAGE ELEMENT properties |
Sannsynligvis bedre med embedding enn referanse, dvs SalesOfferPackage inkluderer sine elements? |
element | TypeOfTravelDocumenRef | TypeOfTravelDocumenRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a TYPE OF TRAVEL DOCUMENT. |
element | FareProductRef | FareProductRef | 0: 1 | FARE PRODUCT associated with this SALES OFFER PACKAGE |
element | validityParameterAssignments | 0: * | GENERIC PARAMETER ASSIGNMENTs associated with the SALES OFFER PACKAGE ELEMENT | |
element | prices | 0: * | SALES OFFER PACKAGE PRICEs associated with the SALES OFFER PACKAGE ELEMENT |
Information on the preferred substitution of packages with other package if quota restricted product is no longer available. The relative priority is specified using the order attribute inherited from ASSIGNMENT.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Anbefaler som del av objektet fremfor eksternt definert (i FareFrame) med referanse, siden dette (sannsynligvis) vil være unikt per SalesOfferPackage
| ||||
A set of all possible price features of a GEOGRAPHICAL UNIT: default total price etc.
GeographicalUnitPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
GeographicalUnitPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVAL: default total price etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
GeographicalIntervalPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
GeographicalIntervalPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a QUALITY STRUCTURE FACTOR , e.g. default total price etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
QualityStructureFactorPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
QualityStructureFactorPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT: default total price etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
DistanceMatrixElementPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
DistanceMatrixElementPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FareStructureElementPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
FareStructureElementPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a USAGE PARAMETER: discount in value or percentage etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
UsageParameterPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
UsageParameterPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a FARE PRODUCT: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FareProductPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
FareProductPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a FULFILMENT METHOD, default total price etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FulfilmentMethodPrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
FulfilmentMethodPrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A set of all possible price features of a SALES OFFER PACKAGE: default total price etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
SalesOfferPackagePrice < FarePrice < VersionedChild < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
SalesOfferPackagePrice inherits from FarePrice without introducing new elements or attributes. |
A grouping of prices, allowing the grouping of numerous possible consumption elements into a limited number of price references, or to apply grouped increases, in value or percentage.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
| ||||
A grouping of prices that may be associated with various combinations fare elements such as the DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENT, FARE STRUCTURE ELEMENT, GEOGRAPHICAL INTERVAL, TIME INTERVAL, USAGE PARAMETER, etc.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FareTable < PriceGroup < GroupOfEntities < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity (NB: Ikke implementert slik, i XSD arver FareTable direkte fra GroupOfEntities) | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | pricesFor | 0: * | Combination of Elements for which this table provides PRICEs | |
(choice) element | usedIn | TariffRef | 0: * | Elements that use FARE TABLE that are not PRICEABLE OBJECTs |
GroupOfDistanceMatrixElementsRef | ||||
GroupOfSalesOfferPackagesRef | ||||
element | OrganisationRef | 0: * | Reference to a ORGANISATION for which this table applies | |
element | limitations | 0: * | Usage parameters common to all cells in table | |
element | prices | 0: * | Simple FARE PRICE cells (optimised, without additional associations) |
Foreløpig ikke anbefalt brukt, trolig bedre å angi priser og pristyper direkte (så lenge det er dekkende) fremfor å utveksle formatert / cellestrukturert tabell.
An unique individual combination of features within a FARE TABLE, used to associate a FARE PRICE with a fare element.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
| ||||
A type of outlet for selling a product.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
DistributionChannel < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | alternativeNames | 0: * | List for alternative name(s) for Distribution Channel | |
(choice) element | DistributionChannelType | DistributionChannelTypeEnumeration | 1: 1 | Classification of DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL Allowed values:
AllDistributionChannelsRef | AllDistributionChannelsRefStructureElement | Always "All" | ||
element | IsObligatory | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether use of the channel is obligatory |
element | RequiresEmailAddress | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether use of the channel requries the pruchaser to have an email address |
(choice) element | ContactDetails | 0: 1 | Contact details for distribution channel | |
OrganisationRef | OrganisationRef | Reference to Organisation responsible for Distribution Channel | ||
element | PaymentMethods | PaymentMethodEnumeration | 0: 1 | Available payment methods Allowed values:
element | DistributionRights | DistributionRightsEnumeration | 0: 1 | Channels DISTRIBUTION RIGHTs Allowed values:
element | distributionPoints | PointRef | 0: 1 | List of references to a POINT (e.g. for info on geolocation) |
Guppering gjøres gjennom GroupOfDistributionChannels, ikke motsatt vei. |
Type for a collection of one or more references to a DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
GroupOfDistributionChannels < GroupOfEntities < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | members | DistributionChannelRefs | 1: 1 | List containing minimum two or more DistributionChannelRef for group |
The means by which the ticket is delivered to the Customer.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
FulfilmentMethod < PriceableObject < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | FulfilmentMethodType | FulfilmentMethodTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Type of FULFILMENT METHOD Allowed values:
element | RequiresCard | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether use of of the method requires a credit or debit card |
element | RequiresBookingReference | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether use of of the method requires a booking reference |
element | typesOfTravelDocument | 0: * | List of TYPES OF TRAVEL DOCUMENT associated with method | |
element | canIssueTypesOfTravelDocument | 0: * | List of TYPES OF TRAVEL DOCUMENT that can be ISSUED with method | |
element | canReuseTypesOfTravelDocument | 0: * | TYPES OF TRAVEL DOCUMENT that can be REUSED with method | |
element | prices | 0: * | Reference to a FULFILMENT METHOD PRICE |
A classification of TRAVEL DOCUMENTs expressing their general function and local functional characteristics specific to the operator
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
TypeOfTravelDocument < TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | IsCard | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the TRAVEL DOCUMENT is materialised as a card |
element | IsSmart | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the TRAVEL DOCUMENT is materialized on a smart card or mobile device |
element | HasPhoto | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether the TRAVEL DOCUMENT has a photo |
element | MediaType | MediaTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Classification of the TRAVEL DOCUMENT by Media Type Allowed values:
element | MachineReadable | MachineReadableEnumeration | 0: 1 | Classification of the TRAVEL DOCUMENT by Machine Readable mechanism Allowed values:
An assignment of the COUNTRY and/or DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL through which a product may or may not be distributed
DistributionAssignment < Assignment < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
Rather referenced through PreassignedFareProduct of SalesOfferPackageElement |
(choice) element | SalesOfferPackageRef | SalesOfferPackageRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a SALES OFFER PACKAGE |
GroupOfSalesOfferPackagesRef | GroupOfSalesOfferPackagesRef | Reference to a GROUP OF SALES OFFER PACKAGEs | ||
element | DistributionRights | DistributionRightsEnumeration | 0: 1 | List of values for DISTRIBUTION RIGHTs Allowed values:
element | DistributionChannelType | DistributionChannelTypeEnumeration | 0: 1 | Classification of DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL Allowed values:
element | AllowedInChannel | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether distribution is allowed or forbidden for given channel |
element | RestrictedToChannel | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether distribution is restricted to a given |
element | MandatoryProduct | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether product is mandatory, i.e. must be provided |
element | TicketingServiceFacilityList | TicketingServiceFacilityEnumeration | 0: 1 | List of TICKETING SERVICE FACILITies Allowed values:
element | PaymentMethods | 0: 1 | Payment methods Allowed values:
| |
element | RequiresRegistration | xsd:boolean | 0: 1 | Whether distribution requires registered user |
element | FulfilmentMethodRef | FulfilmentMethodRef | 0: 1 | Reference to a FULFILMENT METHOD |
Proposing Change Request for “missing” distribution assignment wrapper type in NeTEx
PR for adding the GroupOfDistributionAssignments to NeTEx FareFrame?
Usable for setting up common configurations as groups, allowing to reference this GroupOfDistributionAssignments rather than having to assign all relevant SalesOfferPackage to all related DistributionAssignments?
Type for a collection of one or more references to a DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL.
Example can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
GroupOfDistributionAssignments < GroupOfEntities < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | members | DistributionAssignmentRefs | 1: 1 | List containing minimum two or more DistributionAssignmentRef for group |
Predefined typesOfValue
Predefined TYPE OF VALUEs (see framework > TypeOfValue) for the Nordic NeTEx profile
Example (reference data set in XML) can be found in the official GitHub-repository for Entur
Assignments and policies specific for the FareFrame and SalesTransactionFrame
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | ActivationPolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing how and when to activate a validable element, generates CPPElementAccess with MarkedAs=activated Usage: Transition from MarkedAs=unused to MarkedAs=activated
Must be used with a corresponding COD:TypeOfAccessRightAssignment:UsagePolicyAssignment |
element | ActivationAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing limitations and parameters applicable when the validable element is activated (but not consumed) Usage: Transition from MarkedAs=unused to MarkedAs=activated
element | UsagePolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing how to consume a validable element, generates CPPElementAccess with MarkedAs=used (the prerequisite is that the validable element is already MarkedAs=activated) Usage: Transition from MarkedAs=activated to MarkedAs=used
element | UsageAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing limitations and parameters applicable when the ValidableElement is used, i.e. the acquired travel rights Usage: Transition from MarkedAs=activated to MarkedAs=used
element | ActivationAndUsagePolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing how to both activate and consume in the same operation, generates CPPElementAccess with MarkedAs=used directly (omits MarkedAs=activated) Usage: Transition directly from MarkedAs=unused to MarkedAs=used (This can be seen as a rule combining Activation(Policy)Assignment and Usage(Policy)Assignment when separate activation and usage is not required)
element | ActivationAndUsageAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing limitations and parameters applicable when the ValidableElement is both activated and used in the same operation, i.e. the aquired travel rights Usage: Transition directly from MarkedAs=unused to MarkedAs=used (This can be seen as a rule combining Activation(Policy)Assignment and Usage(Policy)Assignment when separate activation and usage is not required)
element | RevalidationPolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing how and when to re-validate a validable element, generates CPPElementAccess with MarkedAs=marked Usage: Requirements for retransition from MarkedAs=used to MarkedAs=marked
Sub-rules to policy assignments
Specification requirements policies
To be specified during activation or consumption or revalidation - depending on the type of element that must be provided
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | SpecificationServiceJourneyPolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing that a ServiceJourney must be specified during activation or consumption or revalidation Usage:
element | SpecificationSeatPolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing that a PassengerSeat must be specified during activation or consumption or revalidation Usage:
element | SpecificationTariffZonePolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing that a TariffZone must be specified during activation or consumption or revalidation Usage:
element | SpecificationStartTimePolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing that a StartTime must be specified during activation or consumption or revalidation Usage:
Execution time requirement policy
To be specified as a subrule of ActivationAndUsagePolicyAssignment / ActivationPolicyAssignment / UsagePolicyAssignment
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | ExecutionTimePolicyAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing when a usage validity period may be activated or consumed, used as a subrule to either of:
Common assignments
Assignemnts to common parameters applicable across assignments
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | CommonAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Assignment describing common parameters applicable to all xxxPolicyAssignment and xxxAssignment Usage:
Specification requirement results
Result of specification requirements
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | SpecificationAssignment | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | Rule describing specified access rights as a result of activation or consumption or revalidation, e.g. specified (selected) service journey or seat Usage:
Access logging
Recording of place activation/consumption/marking happened. Recorded on CPPElementAccess/validityParameters
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | AccessLogDetails | TypeOfAccessRightAssignment | 0: * | CPPAccess with information about an activation / consumption / re-validation Usage:
Customer accounts
Predefined TYPE OF CUSTOMER ACCOUNTs for ID based ticketing
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Ordinary | TypeOfCustomerAccount | 0: * | Ordinary account based ticketing account Usage:
element | PhysicalMediaAuditAccount | TypeOfCustomerAccount | 0: * | Audit account for storing results from inspection of tickets on physical media. NB: Read only after creation. Usage:
Fare contracts
Predefined TYPE OF FARE CONTRACTSs for use with ID based ticketing systems
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Ordinary | TypeOfFareContract | 0: * | Ordinary fare contract for account based ticketing Usage:
element | OrdinaryV2 | TypeOfFareContract | 0: * | Ordinary fare contract for account based ticketing. Version 2 with new consumption modelling. Usage:
element | PhysicalMediaAuditFareContract | TypeOfFareContract | 0: * | Audit copy of access rights stored on physical media. Will be created as a read only fare contract on a PhysicalMediaAuditAccount. Usage:
element | PhysicalMediaAuditFareContractV2 | TypeOfFareContract | 0: * | Audit copy of access rights stored on physical media. Will be created as a read only fare contract on a PhysicalMediaAuditAccount. Version 2 with new consumption modelling. Usage:
Responsibility roles
TypeOfValue < DataManagedObject < EntityInVersion < Entity | ||||
XML-type | Name | Datatype | Cardinality | Description |
element | Conductor | TypeOfResponsibilityRole | 0: * | Type of responsibility role for conductor Usage:
element | CustomerService | TypeOfResponsibilityRole | 0: * | Type of responsibility role for customer service Usage:
element | SelfService | TypeOfResponsibilityRole | 0: * | Type of responsibility role for self service Usage: