

The Service Interface for Real Time Information - Estimated Timetable


Current version for SIRI-ET is:   v1.1  (last changed )


This document is part of the Norwegian SIRI Profile and describes datasets and elements used for exchanging continuous changes to planned data within the same operating day in the SIRI Estimated Timetable (ET) real-time format.

SIRI-ET is used to model the status of existing VehicleJourneys and to ensure that deviations from the planned data (for the same operating day) such as cancellations, additional departures, delays, detours and changes in stops, can be published on short notice. The data is linked to objects in the planned data by use of ID's, which ensures data quality.

Tables/rows marked in yellow indicates elements that may belong in a separate SIRI ET-profile for more sensitive data. 

Data requirements

Sending a ServiceDelivery of SIRI-ET data must be in accordance with this profile and the entire dataset should be contained within a single XML file.

When sending Estimated Timetable data, information should always contain all stops, that is all served EstimatedCalls when relevant RecordedCalls (and IsCompleteStopSequence = 'true')

It is permitted for client systems to send more than one EstimatedVehicleJourney per EstimatedTimetableDelivery, in order for real-time information to be conflated and be transferred as part of the same ServiceDeliveryNote that the profile does not present an exhaustive list of all real-time information technically possible to transfer via SIRI-ET, but it lays the foundation for which demands are placed on the datasets in order to meet the demands set by Håndbok N801.

The examples associated with this profile are meant to show practical implementations of specific use cases, and can contain supplementary, lack certain data fields, or contain optional data, compared to a full and complete dataset. See SIRI-ET#Components for closer descriptions of the data types, specifications and requirements on the unique elements of the SIRI-ET-data.




A data type for representing information about time table changes for one or more VehicleJourneys on the same operating day.

EstimatedTimetableDelivery < ServiceDelivery

attributeversionxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1Version ID for EstimatedTimetableDelivery.
elementResponseTimestampxsd:dateTime1: 1

Timestamp for when the dataset was created/published.

elementEstimatedJourneyVersionFrameSIRI-ET#EstimatedJourneyVersionFrame1: *

A container element for sending one or more Estimated Timetable with a timestamp.


Container-element for returning an Estimated Timetable comprised of one or more EstimatedVehicleJourney.


elementRecordedAtTimexsd:dateTime1: 1

The time when the data object was created/published.

elementEstimatedVehicleJourneySIRI-ET#EstimatedVehicleJourney1: *Object for Estimated Timetable dataset.


Continuously updated timetable data with changes in the current operating day for a VehicleJourney (may also include a reference to a Vehicle), and its estimated arrival times at stops.


elementRecordedAtTimexsd:dateTime1: 1The time when this individual journey was recorded.
elementLineRefxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Reference to the Line in question (ID to the corresponding object in the timetable data)

elementDirectionRefxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Direction reference (i.e. reference to Direction element describing general course/heading for current Journey)

Please note that the field is implemented as mandatory, but is not used as a free standing data type in the Norwegian SIRI profile. If it is not used, this value can be set to 0 (zero).

(choice) element


xsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Reference to DatedServiceJourney-ID for the corresponding object in the timetable data.

FramedVehicleJourneyRefFramedVehicleJourneyRefStructureReference with date to VehicleJourney in question (ID to the corresponding object in the timetable data).

Unplanned replacement departures must be given a new codespace-unique ID.

For example: RUT:ServiceJourney:51-108833-11872056-00 / RUT:DatedServiceJourney:1234-1234-1234

(choice) elementExtraJourneyxsd:boolean0: 1

The VehicleJourney in question is a replacement departure.

Must be 'true' if it is a replacement departure.


Used when the VehicleJourney in question is cancelled.

Set to 'true' only if the whole VehicleJourney is cancelled. When only parts of the VehicleJourney is cancelled: use RecordedCall and/or EstimatedCall.

elementJourneyPatternRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to JourneyPattern in question (ID to the corresponding object in the timetable data).

elementVehicleModeVehicleModesEnumeration0: 1

Transport type.

Must be defined for replacement departures!

Possible values:

  • air
  • bus
  • coach
  • ferry (mapped to "water")
  • metro
  • rail
  • tram
elementRouteRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to Route in question (ID to the corresponding object in the timetable data).

Must be defined for replacement departures!

elementPublishedLineNameNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: 1

Public number or name of the line. 

Is only used when replacement departures reference a new LineRef that is not already defined in timetable data. It will then be used to represent the added Line.

elementGroupOfLinesRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to Network/GroupOfLines in question (ID to the corresponding object in the timetable data).

Must be defined for replacement departures!

elementExternalLineRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to Line in question (ID to the corresponding object in the timetable data) that the departure replaces. If not provided, the value from LineRef will be used.

Must be defined for replacement departures!

elementOriginNameNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: 1

Name of the first stop of the departure (not used due to the reference to the national stop place registry, however can be included to make the XML easier to read).

elementDestinationNameNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: 1

Name of the last stop of the departure (not used due to the reference to the national stop place registry, however can be included to make the XML easier to read).

elementOperatorRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to Operator in question (ID to the corresponding company in the timetable data)

Must be defined for replacement departures where the operator has been changed!

elementPublicContactSIRI-ET#SimpleContactStructure0: 1

Contact point for the public (if different from original timetable information).

At least one field must be filled out.

elementOperationsContactSIRI-ET#SimpleContactStructure0: 1

Administrative contact details (if different from original timetable information).

At least one field must be filled out.



0: *

Unique reference to one or more SituationNumber which link to earlier published Situation elements (SIRI-SX) when these provide supplementary information for the current EstimatedVehicleJourney.

elementMonitoredxsd:boolean0: 1

Whether the vehicle is currently reporting real-time data or not (for example set to true when the driver of the vehicle logs on to the system before departing).

elementPredictionInaccuratexsd:boolean0: 1

Whether the VehicleJourney is affected by traffic jams or other circumstances which lead to uncertainty around the time estimates.

elementDataSourcexsd:string1: 1Codespace of the data source (see codespace).
elementOccupancyOccupancyEnumeration0: 1

Open seats-status.

Possible values:

  • unknown
  • manySeatsAvailable (more than ~50% of seats available)
  • seatsAvailable (less than ~50% of seats available)
  • standingAvailable (less than ~10% of seats available)
  • full (close to or at full capacity)
  • notAcceptingPassengers (if vehicle/carriage is not in use / unavailable, or passengers are only allowed to alight due to e.g. crowding)

This status should reflect the allowed occupancy level, not necessarily physical spacing available.

If the operator runs with reduced capacity, e.g. in order to maintain a certain service level, social distancing etc., the occupancy status must be set in accordance with current limitation i.e. "full" when all seats assigned for use are occupied (regardless of disallowed seating/standing still being physically available).

elementBlockRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to block (trip pattern)

Internal (non-public) information.

elementVehicleJourneyRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to the VehicleJourney being replaced (ID to the corresponding object in the timetable data).

Please note: Use only for unplanned replacement departures. In other cases, use FramedVehicleJourneyRef.

elementAdditionalVehicleJourneyRefFramedVehicleJourneyRefStructure0: *

Reference to other affected VehicleJourneys.

elementRecordedCallsSIRI-ET#RecordedCall0: 1

The full sequence of already served stops in the order they were served by the VehicleJourney.

Please note that all stops in the sequence must be in chronological order. (Except if the recording of a call is missed, then this call may be kept in the sequence as a correspondingly labeled EstimatedCall even after passed.)

elementEstimatedCallsSIRI-ET#EstimatedCall0: 1

The full sequence of affected stops in the order they will be served by the VehicleJourney.

Please note that all stops in the sequence must be in chronological order.

elementIsCompleteStopSequencexsd:boolean1: 1

Should always be 'true' as a confirmation that the sequence of RecordedCalls/EstimatedCalls is complete (contains all the stops) for the current EstimatedVehicleJourney.

elementJourneyRelationsSIRI-ET#JourneyRelation0: 1

Relations of the journey with other journeys, e.g., in case a joining/splitting takes place or the journey substitutes for another one etc.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


Contact details to be presented to the public in cases where the information stated in the planned time table data is no longer true.


elementPhoneNumberxsd:string0: 1

Phone number

elementUrlxsd:anyURI0: 1Url


Reference to a related Situation Element in an existing SIRI-SX message.


elementSituationSimpleRefxsd:string1: 1

Unique referance to SituationNumber for previously published Situation Element (SIRI-SX)


Wrapper object to describe information regarding already served stops in a VehicleJourney.

Specified RecordedCalls must, together with EstimadeCalls, define all stops of a complete EstimatedVehicleJourney (that is, IsCompleteStopSequence should always be 'true').


elementRecordedCallSIRI-ET#RecordedCallStructure1: *



Data structure with information regarding already served stops.


elementStopPointRefxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Reference to the serviced Quay. (ID to the corresponding Quay in the national stop place registry, i.e. the serviced stop point as originally assigned in the timetable data or as re-assigned in the real-time data.)

elementOrderxsd:positiveInteger1: 1

Which number in the sequence of served stops this RecordedCall is describing.

Please not that the sequence must contain all described stops (Call), that is Order must be a continuous sequence from registered RecordedCall to upcoming EstimatedCall.

elementStopPointNameNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: *

Name (one per language).

(choice) elementExtraCallxsd:boolean0: 1

Whether the served stop is in addition to the planned stop sequence.


Whether this is a cancellation of a planned stop.

Only used when the stop was not served, either for boarding or alighting.

elementOccupancyOccupancyEnumeration0: 1

Open seats-status.

Possible values:

  • unknown
  • manySeatsAvailable (more than ~50% of seats available)
  • seatsAvailable (less than ~50% of seats available)
  • standingAvailable (less than ~10% of seats available)
  • full (close to or at full capacity)
  • notAcceptingPassengers (if vehicle/carriage is not in use / unavailable, or passengers are only allowed to alight due to e.g. crowding)

This status should reflect the allowed occupancy level, not necessarily physical spacing available.

If the operator runs with reduced capacity, e.g. in order to maintain a certain service level, social distancing etc., the occupancy status must be set in accordance with current limitation i.e. "full" when all seats assigned for use are occupied (regardless of disallowed seating/standing still being physically available).

elementAimedArrivalTimexsd:dateTime0: 1Originally planned arrival time. Required, except for the first stop.
ActualArrivalTimexsd:dateTime0: 1

Actual arrival time. Required, except for the first stop.


Estimated arrival time.

Only to be used if the corresponding SIRI-ET#EstimatedCall was recorded with ArrivalStatus "missed" and/or the ActualArrivalTime of this RecordedCall is unknown/void, due to the Call not being served despite planned or arrival data for the served Call was not recorded.

NB: As the ArrivalStatus field is currently not available in the RecordedCall data object (will be added in the SIRI v2.1 update, expected Q3 2022), maintaining the ExpectedArrivalTime in a RecordedCall implicitly states that the ActualArrivalTime is unavailable and that the arrival can be handled as if "missed".

elementArrivalStatusCallStatusEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change of status for arrival (when/if the stop is serviced upon arrival).

Possible values:

  • arrived
  • cancelled 
  • delayed
  • early
  • missed
  • onTime

If both are present, the ArrivalStatus indicates as to why the current ArrivalBoardingActivity is set.

elementArrivalBoardingActivityArrivalBoardingActivityEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change in the alighting restrictions.

Possible values:

  • alighting
  • noAlighting
  • passThru

If both elements are present, the ArrivalBoardingActivity (usage of the stop for departers) will be assessed in correspondence with the ArrivalStatus.

elementArrivalStopAssignmentSIRI-ET#StopAssignmentStructure0: 1

Assigned arrival place (Quay).

When necessary either the ArrivalStopAssignment or DepartureStopAssignment, are defined, but never both

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision

elementAimedDepartureTimexsd:dateTime0: 1

Originally planned departure time. Required, except for the last stop.

ActualDepartureTimexsd:dateTime0: 1

Actual departure time. Required, except for the last stop.


Estimated departure time.

Only to be used if the corresponding SIRI-ET#EstimatedCall was recorded with DepartureStatus "missed" and/or the ActualDepartureTime of this RecordedCall is unknown/void, due to the Call not being served despite planned or departure data for the served Call was not recorded.

NB: As the DepartureStatus field is currently not available in the RecordedCall data object (will be added in the SIRI v2.1 update, expected Q3 2022), maintaining the ExpectedDepartureTime in a RecordedCall implicitly states that the ActualDepartureTime is unavailable and that the departure can be handled as if "missed".

elementDepartureStatusCallStatusEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change of status for departure (when/if the stop is serviced upon departure).

Possible values:

  • departed
  • cancelled
  • delayed
  • early
  • missed
  • onTime

If both are present, the DepartureStatus indicates as to why the current DepartureBoardingActivity is set.

elementDepartureBoardingActivityDepartureBoardingActivityEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change in the boarding restrictions.

Possible values:

  • boarding
  • noBoarding
  • passThru

Not relevant for the final stop.

If both elements are present, the DepartureBoardingActivity (usage of the stop for departers) will be assessed in correspondence with the DepartureStatus.

elementDepartureStopAssignmentSIRI-ET#StopAssignmentStructure0: 1

Assigned departure place (Quay).

When necessary either the ArrivalStopAssignment or DepartureStopAssignment, is defined, but never both

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision

elementDepartureFormationAssignmentFormationAssignmentStructure0: 1

Assignment of a TRAIN formation to a physical QUAY (platform or sectors thereof)

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision

elementRecordedDepartureOccupancyVehicleOccupancyStructure0: *

Real-time occupancies of a VEHICLE and reservations after departing from a given stop.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision

elementRecordedDepartureCapacitiesPassengerCapacityStructure0: *

Real-time capacities (number of available seats) of a VEHICLE

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


Assignment of stop place (Quay).


elementAimedQuayRefxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Reference to originally planned Quay (ID corresponding to objects in the national stop place registry).

elementExpectedQuayRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to expected/current Quay (ID corresponding to objects in the national stop place registry), when there are changes.


Assignment of the arrival of a VEHICLE within a formation, e.g. carriage in a TRAIN composition, to a physical QUAY or nested QUAY (i.e. platform or sector of a platform).

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementCompoundTrainRefCompoundTrainCode0: 1Reference to COMPOUND TRAIN
elementTrainRefTrainCode0: 1

Reference to TRAIN

elementTrainComponentRefTrainComponentCode0: 1Reference to TRAIN COMPONENT
elementEntranceToVehicleRefEntranceToVehicleCode0: 1Reference to EntranceToVehicle
elementTrainStopAssignmentSIRI-ET#StopAssignmentStructure1: 1

References to the QUAY on which the particular VEHICLE, i.e., component of the formation, arrives or departs from.

If a QUAY is divided into sub-QUAYs or sectors (with the help of STOP ASSIGNMENTs), and a TRAIN COMPONENT spans over multiple sectors of the QUAY, the FORMATION ASSIGNMENT must reference all of them (in multiple STOP ASSIGNMENTs).


Real-time occupancies of a VEHICLE and reservations after departing from a given stop.

Can be e.g. feedback from an automatic passenger counting system (APC) or estimated values from statistics.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementCompoundTrainRefCompoundTrainCode0: 1Reference to COMPOUND TRAIN
elementTrainRefTrainCode0: 1

Reference to TRAIN

elementTrainComponentRefTrainComponentCode0: 1Reference to TRAIN COMPONENT
elementEntranceToVehicleRefEntranceToVehicleCode0: 1Reference to EntranceToVehicle
elementPassengerCategoryNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: 1Adult, child, wheelchair etc.
elementOccupancyLevelOccupancyEnumeration0: 1

Possible values:

  • unknown
  • manySeatsAvailable (more than ~50% of seats available)
  • seatsAvailable (less than ~50% of seats available)
  • standingAvailable (less than ~10% of seats available)
  • full (close to or at full capacity)
  • notAcceptingPassengers (if vehicle/carriage is not in use / unavailable, or passengers are only allowed to alight due to e.g. crowding)
elementOccupancyPercentagexsd:decimal0: 1Utilised percentage of maximum payload after departing the SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementAlightingCountxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of alighting passengers for this vehicle journey at this SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementBoardingCountxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of boarding passengers for this vehicle journey at this SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementOnboardCountxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of passengers on-board after departing the SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementPushchairsOnboardCountxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of pushchairs on-board after departing the SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementWheelchairsOnboardCountxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of wheelchairs on-board after departing the SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementPramsOnboardCountxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of prams on-board after departing the SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementBicycleOnboardCountxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of bicycles on-board, i.e., number of bicycle racks that are occupied after departing the SCHEDULED STOP POINT.
elementTotalNumberOfReservedSeatsxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1Total number of booked seats from individual and group reservations.


Real-time capacities (number of available seats) of a VEHICLE after departing from a given stop. Alternative way to communicate occupancy measurements.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementCompoundTrainRefCompoundTrainCode0: 1Reference to COMPOUND TRAIN
elementTrainRefTrainCode0: 1

Reference to TRAIN

elementTrainComponentRefTrainComponentCode0: 1Reference to TRAIN COMPONENT
elementEntranceToVehicleRefEntranceToVehicleCode0: 1Reference to EntranceToVehicle
elementPassengerCategoryNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: 1Adult, child, wheelchair etc.
elementTotalCapacityxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1The total capacity of the vehicle in number of passengers.
elementSeatingCapacityxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1The seating capacity of the vehicle in number of passengers.
elementStandingCapacityxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1The standing capacity of the vehicle in number of passengers.
elementPushchairCapacityxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1The number of push chair places on the vehicle.
elementWheelchairPlaceCapacityxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1The number of wheelchair places on the vehicle.
elementPramPlaceCapacityxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1The number of places on the vehicle that are suitable for prams.
elementBicycleRackCapacityxsd:nonNegativeInteger0: 1The number of bicycle racks on the vehicle.


Wrapper object for describing a stop which will be served in a VehicleJourney.

Specified EstimatedCalls must, together with RecordedCalls, define all stops of a complete EstimatedVehicleJourney (that is, IsCompleteStopSequence should always be 'true').


elementEstimatedCallSIRI-ET#EstimatedCallStructure1: *



Data structure information about stops which will be served, in chronological sequence.


elementStopPointRefxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Reference to the serviced Quay. (ID to the corresponding Quay in the national stop place registry, corresponding to the serviced stop point as assigned in the timetable data or corresponding to the stop point as re-assigned in real-time data.)

elementOrderxsd:positiveInteger1: 1

Which number in the sequence of served stops this EstimatedCall is describing.

elementStopPointNameNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: *

Name (one per language).

(choice) elementExtraCallxsd:boolean0: 1

Whether the served stop is in addition to the planned stop sequence.


Whether this is a cancellation of a planned stop.

Only used when the stop was not served, either for boarding or alighting.

When partially cancelled departures the last stop before the cancellation part is defined with DepartureStatus 'cancelled', while the first stop in the cancellation part is defined with ArrivalStatus 'cancelled'. The remaining non-served stops (the partial cancellation) are defined with Cancellation 'true'.

elementPredictionInaccuratexsd:boolean0: 1

Whether the VehicleJourney is affected by traffic jams or other circumstances which lead to uncertainty around the time estimates for this call. When the whole VehicleJourney is uncertain, this should instead be set on EstimatedVehicleJourney.

elementOccupancyOccupancyEnumeration0: 1

Open seats-status.

Possible values:

  • unknown
  • manySeatsAvailable (more than ~50% of seats available)
  • seatsAvailable (less than ~50% of seats available)
  • standingAvailable (less than ~10% of seats available)
  • full (close to or at full capacity)
  • notAcceptingPassengers (if vehicle/carriage is not in use / unavailable, or passengers are only allowed to alight due to e.g. crowding)

This status should reflect the allowed occupancy level, not necessarily physical spacing available.

If the operator runs with reduced capacity, e.g. in order to maintain a certain service level, social distancing etc., the occupancy status must be set in accordance with current limitation i.e. "full" when all seats assigned for use are occupied (regardless of disallowed seating/standing still being physically available).

elementRequestStopxsd:boolean0: 1Whether the passenger must signal the vehicle for the stop to be served.
elementDestinationDisplayNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: *

The (destination) text displayed on the vehicle when arriving at a stop.

If this is not defined the original text of the departure will be used.

Please note that the text field must be defined in cases of ExtraJourney or when overriding a destination text from the planned timetable data.

elementSituationRefSIRI-ET#SituationRefStructure0: *

One or more SituationNumber linking to already published SIRI-SX messages for the Call in question.

elementAimedArrivalTimexsd:dateTime0: 1Originally planned arrival time. Required, except for the first stop.
elementExpectedArrivalTimexsd:dateTime0: 1

Estimated arrival time. Required, except for the first stop. 

When the estimated ArrivalStatus is "missed", the ExpectedArrivalTime can be empty.

elementArrivalStatusCallStatusEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change of status for arrival (when/if the stop is serviced upon arrival).

Possible values:

  • arrived
  • cancelled 
  • delayed
  • early
  • missed
  • onTime

If both are present, the ArrivalStatus indicates as to why the current ArrivalBoardingActivity is set.

elementArrivalBoardingActivityArrivalBoardingActivityEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change in the alighting restrictions.

Possible values:

  • alighting
  • noAlighting
  • passThru

If both elements are present, the ArrivalBoardingActivity (usage of the stop for departers) will be assessed in correspondence with the ArrivalStatus.

elementArrivalStopAssignmentSIRI-ET#StopAssignmentStructure0: 1

Assigned arrival place (Quay).

When necessary either the ArrivalStopAssignment or DepartureStopAssignment, are defined, but never both

elementArrivalFormationAssignmentFormationAssignmentStructure0: 1

Assignment of a TRAIN formation to a physical QUAY (platform or sectors thereof)

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision

elementAimedDepartureTimexsd:dateTime0: 1Originally planned departure time. Required, except for the last stop.
elementExpectedDepartureTimexsd:dateTime0: 1

Estimated departure time. Required, except for the last stop.

When the estimated DepartureStatus is "missed", the ExpectedDepartureTime can be empty.

elementDepartureStatusCallStatusEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change of status for departure (when/if the stop is serviced upon departure).

Possible values:

  • cancelled
  • delayed
  • missed
  • onTime

If both are present, the DepartureStatus indicates as to why the current DepartureBoardingActivity is set.

elementDepartureBoardingActivityDepartureBoardingActivityEnumeration0: 1

Used when there is a change in the boarding restrictions.

Possible values:

  • boarding
  • noBoarding
  • passThru

Not relevant for the final stop.

If both elements are present, the DepartureBoardingActivity (usage of the stop for departers) will be assessed in correspondence with the DepartureStatus.

elementDepartureStopAssignmentSIRI-ET#StopAssignmentStructure0: 1

Assigned departure place (Quay).

When necessary either the ArrivalStopAssignment or DepartureStopAssignment, is defined, but never both

elementExpectedDepartureOccupancyVehicleOccupancyStructure0: 1

Real-time occupancies of a VEHICLE and reservations after departing from a given stop.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision

elementExpectedDepartureCapacitiesPassengerCapacityStructure0: 1

Real-time capacities (number of available seats) of a VEHICLE

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


Data to identify the CALL or JOURNEY PARTs associated with a JOURNEY RELATION and its corresponding RELATED JOURNEY(s).

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementJourneyRelationSIRI-ET#JourneyRealtionStructure1: *

Provides information about relations to other journeys.


Data structure for CALL or JOURNEY PARTs, and RELATED JOURNEY.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementJourneyRelationTypeJourneyRelationTypeEnumeration1: 1

Specifies the type of the relation.

Possible values:

  • ContinuationOfJourney
  • ContinuedByJourney
  • SplitsIntoJourneys
  • ContinuationOfSplitJourney
  • JoiningOfJourneys
  • ContinuedByJoinedJourney
  • ReplacementOfJourney
  • ReplacedByJourney
  • SupportOfJourney
  • SupportedByJourney
(choice) elementCallInfoSIRI-ET#RelatedCallStructure1: 1

Information about the stop at which the JOURNEY is related to another JOURNEY.

JourneyPartsSIRI-ET#JourneyPartInfoInformation about related parts of JOURNEY.
elementRelatedJourneySIRI-ET#RelatedJourneyStructure1: *JOURNEY(s) to which the current JOURNEY is related.


Data structure for information about the StopPoint at which the JOURNEY RELATION takes effect.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementStopPointRefxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Reference to the serviced Quay for first StopPoint this relation affects. (ID to the corresponding Quay in the national stop place registry, i.e. the serviced stop point as originally assigned in the timetable data or as re-assigned in the real-time data.)

If full EstimatedVehicleJourney, use StopPointRef for the first Call in the VehicleJourney.

elementOrderxsd:positiveInteger0: 1

Which number in the sequence of served stops this CallInfo is describing.

elementStopPointNameNaturalLanguageStringStructure0: *

Optional Name (one per language). For readability.

elementAimedArrivalTimexsd:dateTime0: 1Originally planned arrival time. For readability.
elementAimedDepartureTimexsd:dateTime0: 1Originally planned departure time. For readability.


Data with information about the JOURNEY PARTs for which the current JOURNEY has JOURNEY RELATION(s). 

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementJourneyPartInfoSIRI-ET#RelatedJourneyPartStructure1: *Information about related part(s) of JOURNEY.


Data structure for information about the related JOURNEY PART.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementJourneyPartRefxsd:NMTOKEN1: 1

Reference to a JOURNEY PART.

elementTrainNumberRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference to TRAIN NUMBER for JOURNEY PART. For readability.

elementOperatorRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1Reference to OPERATOR for JOURNEY PART. For readability.
elementCompoundTrainRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1Reference to COMPOUND TRAIN for JOURNEY PART. For readability.


Data structure for information about the related JOURNEY.

SIRI v2.1 feature, awaiting approval of standard revision


elementFramedVehicleJourneyRefFramedVehicleJourneyRefStructure1: 1

Reference to the VEHICLE JOURNEY to which the current JOURNEY is related.

elementLineRefxsd:NMTOKEN0: 1

Reference (ID) to LINE for related JOURNEY. For readability.

elementJourneyPartsSIRI-ET#JourneyPartInfo0: 1

JOURNEY PARTS to which current JOURNEY PARTS relate.

When used, the JourneyRelation must also specify the corresponding JOURNEY PARTS on the current JOURNEY.

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