SIRI-SX - Validity of a message
SIRI-SX - Validity of a message
See complete examples:
- Tidsbegrenset melding: https://github.com/entur/profile-norway-examples/blob/master/siri/situation-exchange/siri-sx-timebound.xml
- Åpen melding: https://github.com/entur/profile-norway-examples/blob/master/siri/situation-exchange/siri-sx-open-ended.xml
- Lukking av åpen melding: https://github.com/entur/profile-norway-examples/blob/master/siri/situation-exchange/siri-sx-close.xml
Limited validity already when published
The message is visible to the public and in real-time data streams up to the time defined in <EndTime>
<Progress>open</Progress> <ValidityPeriod> <StartTime>2018-02-11T11:33:11</StartTime> <EndTime>2018-04-22T22:55:00</EndTime> </ValidityPeriod>
Valid until a new message closes the initial message
The message is visible to the public and in real-time data streams from the time defined in <StartTime>
until an updated of the message (with the same ID) changes <Progress>
from 'open' to 'closed.
Uten sluttid
<Progress>open</Progress> <ValidityPeriod> <StartTime>2018-02-11T11:33:11</StartTime> </ValidityPeriod>
EndTime must be defined in the "closing" message
When the status of a message changes from 'open' to 'closed', EndTime of the message must be set to at least 5 hours into the future. This is to ensure that all systems are able to receive the close-message, even when there are severe disturbances in uptime.
<Progress>closed</Progress> <ValidityPeriod> <StartTime>2018-02-11T11:33:11</StartTime> <EndTime>2018-02-12T20:10:00</EndTime> </ValidityPeriod>
When <Progress>closed</Progress>
is received, the message will:
- not be shown in search results in the journey planner.
- be available with
in real-time streams until the<EndTime>
has passed.
, multiple selections available,
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