Simple route - Bus with pre-booked stops


Express bus Sørlandsekspressen


Because some data structures relevant to this example have already been covered in Simple route - Bus (rhythm based departures) and Projection, parts of the relevant structure have been omitted, and this example covers only the StopPointInJourneyPattern structure.

Service Frame


BookingArrangements provides details on the booking conditions for a specific stop when they differ from conditions defined at the line level.

In particular, the booking method and the required period for prior booking of on-demand stops can be specified. For example per StopPointInJourneyPattern.

<StopPointInJourneyPattern order="7" version="1" id="NBE:StopPointInJourneyPattern:1900002_1_1aNSR_Quay_101494_22"> <ScheduledStopPointRef ref="NBE:ScheduledStopPoint:1900002_1_1aNSR_Quay_101494_22"/> <!-- The bus stops only on demand: passengers should book online or by phone, at least 10 minutes before departure --> <BookingArrangements> <BookingContact> <Phone>+47 407 05 070</Phone> <Url></Url> </BookingContact> <BookingMethods>callOffice online</BookingMethods> <BookingAccess>public</BookingAccess> <BookWhen>advanceAndDayOfTravel</BookWhen> <BuyWhen>onReservation</BuyWhen> <MinimumBookingPeriod>PT10M</MinimumBookingPeriod> </BookingArrangements> </StopPointInJourneyPattern>