Multiple Authorities

Multiple Authorities

Version requirements: NeTEx version must be 1.08 or higher in order to use additionalNetworks. For older versions, a temporary solution with serviceFrame can be used. For more information about this, contact Entur.



In communication with the public, Authority is normally used to present the agency responsible for such things as travel search and ticketing. In cases where a data provider also provides route data on behalf of other service providers, the distinction of responsibility must be indicated by separation at Network level (and subsequently a reference to the correct Authority) to properly separate Line elements.

To override the Authority or Operator information within the same Network, use Branding

Modelling multiple Networks within the same dataset

At least one Network is required for any dataset. If multiple Authorities are needed, add additionalNetworks for each additional Authority needed.

In the example below, the regional Authority "Opplandstrafikk" are delivering additional data on behalf of several minor private operators. "Skiblander" is a private operator, and do not operate under the Authority of Opplandstrafikk, but the two parties have reached an agreement where "Opplandstrafikk" handle the technical task of creating NeTEx data for the national database. By using additionalNetworks, "Opplandstrafikk" is able to separate "Skibladner" from its own routes, and Authority, within the same dataset (Codespace).


The entire XML sample file is located on the project's GitHub repository https://github.com/entur/profile-norway-examples/blob/master/netex/submodels/submodel-additionalNetworks.xml



In the common file of the data set, one Authority is defined for each grouping of route data. 

<organisations> <Authority version="1" id="OPP:Authority:1"> <CompanyNumber>1</CompanyNumber> <Name>Opplandstrafikk</Name> <LegalName>Oppland fylkeskommune</LegalName> <ContactDetails> <Url>https://www.opplandstrafikk.no/</Url> </ContactDetails> <OrganisationType>authority</OrganisationType> </Authority> <Authority version="1" id="OPP:Authority:2"> <CompanyNumber>2</CompanyNumber> <Name>Skibladner</Name> <LegalName>DS Skibladner</LegalName> <ContactDetails> <Url>https://www.skibladner.no/</Url> </ContactDetails> <OrganisationType>authority</OrganisationType> </Authority> </organisations>

Difference between Network & additionalNetworks

If the dataset does not have divisions, only one Network is defined. If the dataset is to be divided into several Authorities, these are sent as additionalNetworks.

It does not matter which Authority is in Network or additionalNetworks.


If the dataset uniformly belongs to the same Authority, only Network is sent. 

Simplified example:

<Network version="1" id="OPP:Network:1"> <Name>Opplandstrafikk</Name> <AuthorityRef version="1" ref="OPP:Authority:1"/> <groupsOfLines> <GroupOfLines version="1" id="OPP:GroupOfLines:1"> <Name>Fylkestrafikkerende buss</Name> </GroupOfLines> </groupsOfLines> </Network>

If necessary, the lines can be grouped at the subordinate level: GroupOfLines.


When certain lines have to be separated from the main Authority of the dataset, these can be linked to additionalNetworks.

Simplified example - in the example, Oppland county has provided route data on behalf of Skibladner:

<additionalNetworks> <Network version="1" id="OPP:Network:2"> <Name>Skibladner</Name> <AuthorityRef version="1" ref="OPP:Authority:2"/> <groupsOfLines> <GroupOfLines version="1" id="OPP:GroupOfLines:2"> <Name>Skibladner</Name> </GroupOfLines> </groupsOfLines> </Network> </additionalNetworks>


Data is submitted in the normal way, with one single ZIP-file containing one XML file per Line, plus a common file.

The examples below show examples for Line with two different GroupOfLines, expanding upon the above examples - subsequently referring to two separate Networks and Authorities.

Line in the main Network

Simplified example:

Line in the additional Network

Simplified example:

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