Nordic NeTEx Profile

Nordic NeTEx Profile

The profile (formerly the Norwegian NeTEx profile) features a focused set of features from the full NeTEx design which sets the scope of usage for the Nordic countries. The profile was developed starting in 2015 with real-world needs of the Nordic public transport situation in mind and aims to be fully compliant with the European NeTEx profile.


Other documentation

NeTEx (formally Network Exchange PD CEN/TS 16614-1:2014', PD CEN/TS 16614-2:2014 and PD CEN/TS 16614-3:2014) is the CEN Technical standard for exchanging Public Transport Information as XML documents. it provides a W3C XML schema based on the Transmodel abstract model of common public transport concepts and data structures and can be used to exchange many different kinds of data between passenger information systems, including data describing for stops, facilities, timetabling and fares. Such data can be used by both operational management systems and customer-facing systems for journey planning etc.

- Wikipedia

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